Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 38

I sighed as I watched Candy and Cat ignore each other; Cat was angry that Candy kissed Dean. I was sort of angry at Candy, but none of this would’ve happened if Noah hadn’t kissed Glitter and made Candy upset…

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair and Gem ignored the shouting match too, texting on her phone. I didn’t think she wanted to be involved in this either. Oh, God, I am so confused. I’m not the drama type of girl, and the last thing I wanted to be was involved in this. No guy liked me anyway, so at least I didn’t have to worry about one of my friends getting angry at me for kissing their crush. But a part of me wished I was. Nothing in my life had been going right lately, it seemed as if everything I wanted turned out opposite.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed with a text from Unknown Sender

I looked at the message. It said

hey did u get problem 9 on the math hw

I replied back

umm…who iz this?!?

Almost immediately, I got a reply and my heart almost stopped beating.

its Gale. who else would ask u for math help? :)

I don’t think I’ve ever texted so fast in my life.

the answer is x=75. and i hav a question…how did u get my number?

one of ur friends. that’s all I can say. she told me not to tell who it wuz

I scanned the group, half on Cat’s side, half on Candy’s side, and me and Gem on the couch, not wanting to take part in this. I loved all of my awesome friends, but who would’ve given Gale my number?

I turned to Gem. “Guess what?” I asked her.
“What?” she asked.
“Gale texted me!” I squealed.
She sat up, knowing what a huge crush I had on him.
“Rose, that’s great! Lemme see,” without asking, she nabbed my phone from my fingers, her eyes scanning our conversation.
She laughed, and then tossed my phone back to me. “God, you guys can’t talk about anything more interesting?”
I rolled my eyes and then sent a flirty reply back to him.

ugh, fine. :) ur lucky that I cant ask cuz they’re all over here, along with ur fraans on the soccer team, arguing.

bout what? and why didn’t my frends call me over too? and, I like the way u spell frends.

My heart pounded as I sent a reply. I couldn’t believe what I was doing.

if u wanna know so bad, then y don’t u come over? we’re at Bunny’s house. and thanx :)

kk. I’ll b there in 10

I gasped. “Gale’s coming over!” I told Gem.

Her big eyes widened. “Really?”
I grinned, nodding my head ferociously. “Yeah!”
“Girl, that’s great!” she leaned over and hugged me. I still couldn’t believe that he was coming over.
I paced back and forth, checking my reflection in the bathroom mirror and redoing my hair twice until the doorbell rang. I flew down the stairs and threw the door open There was Gale, his hands in his pockets, looking down and adorably cute.
“Hey!” I giggled.

“Hey,” he replied as I let him in. His friends and my friends stopped arguing for a moment to welcome him, and then went back to their argument.
“What are they arguing about?” he asked me.
“Noah kissed Glitter who is Candy’s crush, so she got mad and kissed Dean, who is Cat’s crush. So basically everyone’s had at each other,” I explained.

Gale sighed and shook his head, frowning at me. “Man, I don’t get it why girls make such a big deal about everything. I mean, just say sorry and move on, right?”
I wanted to shake my head and say, “No! I’d be a wreck if someone kissed you!” But I managed to keep my mouth shut and gave him a smile and a nod.

“Yeah. So…what do you want to do?” he asked.
“How about…play UNO cards?” I suggested and then my cheeks began to burn. Oh man, he probably thought I was a little kid now.
But instead, he nodded and grinned. “I love that game, and nobody ever plays it anymore. Come on!” He followed me down into the basement and we set up the UNO game. We played for a few hours, laughing, talking, and arguing, but in a friendly way. Then Gale said, “I’m hungry.”

“C’mon. Let’s go back upstairs. Do you want ice cream?” I asked him, nervous and jittery.
“Sure. C’mon,” he stood up and followed me to the kitchen, where I gave him a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and took some for myself with whipped cream on top.

He stood by the counter, me sitting on it, and then he turned to me and said, “Hey, Rose, you have some whipped cream on your lip.”
Blushing furiously, I asked, “Where?”
He smiled at me. “Do you want me to get it off for you?”
“Umm, sure,” I mumbled. My heart was pounding like crazy, and I had no idea what he was doing as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I almost fell off the counter!

His lips were so warm, so soft, and they tasted like ice cream….Mmmm.
It was just a tame, normal kiss with no tongue at all, and then he pulled away and grinned at me. “It’s gone,” he told me.

“Nahh, I think there’s some more,’ I giggled, as I leaned in to kiss him again, hopping off the counter at the same time.
As his lips met mine, I thought, Maybe my life isn’t so horrible at all.
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haha, I'm sorry if Gale sounds gay. He isn't meant to be. Sorry!! LOL
yepp its kinda lame. oh well. XD
alisha (aka Rose)