Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 45

The morning was a drag. I had no desire to get up early on a Saturday, but I could thank the people of this town for that. Last night there had been a giant party at someone's house, that went on for a looong time.

Getting up fast, I threw on a jumble of random clothes, and started out the hallway, but turned back immediately after seeing my brother Erik down the hall. I did NOT want to see him now...last night he got REALLY mad at me for some random reason I can't really recall now. After cautiously waiting a while until he went downstairs, I ran back to my room, and slammed the door, hard.

"Ow, ow, OW!' I yelped, flinging myself onto my bed. "Curse you, stupid door!"
Grimacing, I looked at my hand. 2 fingers were already throbbing.

Grr. Things were usually like this. I hadn't got used to my new room, and I didn't plan to. My mom and dad are ALWAYS moving. I wouldn't be surprised if in a month my Dad announces that we're be moving to China. But, for the moment I promised myself I'd never slam my door again for the sake of my fingers.

Holding my hand, I allowed myself to slide down my bed to the fluffy white carpet of my bedroom.

There I lay, petting the floor. if you looked at me right now, you'd thing I were crazy. That basically sums me up. Just crazy. But actually, petting the floor was a pretty casual thing for me to do. I once spent the day waving and saying hi at a bunch of random strangers on the street from my old old old house's balcony. One windy day I took my giant yellow umbrella up to the roof of my old apartment (Don't ask me how I got up there. it's a long story) and tried seeing if the umbrella could hold me up. It didn't. I broke my arm. Lots of people call me crazy, or whacked, or insane, but I'm used to it now. Even my own parents call me Crazy! It's a weird nickname, but I like it WAY better than my real name: Esmeralda. Esme wasn't me either. The name makes me think of a century year old goth vampire grandma. No offense to all you Esmeralda's out there...

Anyways, call me crazy but... well yeah... just call me Crazy.

Finally realizing what I've been doing for the past 15 minutes, I stopped rubbing my carpet, and sat up, seeing the glare of my older brother Erik's electric blue eyes. -( Oh, and he gets the sensible name). Erik's really weird sometimes. He always catches me in my moments of pure craziness. Currently he was standing in my room carrying a bagful of stickers. (He collects them. I dunno why...) I could almost swear there was steam coming out of his ears and nostrils. He dropped his bag of stickers, some sliding out. I spotted a sparkly unicorn one.

"Why the heck are you petting the floor like it's your pet or something? You're so weird!" he said, smug, as if what he said was a good insult.

"You're the one who collects stickers, Erik."

"Whatever. You're the freak that everyone calls crazy, Esme."

That irked me! He always calls me Esme or Esmeralda. Stupid Erik. I grabbed the unicorn sticker, and stuck it on his nose. "Learn to have some fun." I reply dryly.

Hee hee. I knew he was going to get super mad. He has some anger issues, I gotta say.

"ESMERALDA!!!!!" he ran out of the room, chasing me.

Whoa. I wasn't expecting a freak attack. Running away, I scurried down the stairs, and out of the front door. Erik chased after me. Heh. He looked like a freak. Dressed up oh-so-casually, but with a glittery pink unicorn on his nose.

"YOU COME BACK HERE!" he yelled, madly. And they call me crazy...

Swerving into a crowd of people, he loses me. " `Scuse me, pardon me, gotta barf!" I say to passing strangers who look at me strangely.

Somehow, Erik caught up. His eyes were big thunder clouds. "Oops" I thought. Nowhere else to run, I see a group of around 20 girls sitting in a cafe. I dash into the restaurant, and slide under their' table. They seemed friendly enough. "Hide me!" I said frantically, trying to bury myself under the table cloth.

A second later a raging mad Erik comes storming in. "WHERE IS SHE?!" he shouts. I could already picture everyone turning to stare at him. I hear some muffled footsteps, and come calm words. "Sir, please leave kindly."

In a minute or two, two heads come poking underneath the table. "You can come out now!" one of them say.

So I crawl out. The girls were bursting out in laughter. I grinned like a lunatic.

And that's how, for the first time in my life, I actually wanted to stay in a place for once, and not move again. Thanks to these amazing girls, that I've probably known for about 2 minutes, but have already made me feel welcome in the town.
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Does Crazy sound crazy enough?!