Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 46

We were all sitting in a cafe/restaurant thing.....i don’t really know. We come here all the time and I haven’t even thought about reading the sign. Anyway, I was drinking my iced coffee when this girl came and slid under our table asking us to hide her. I almost laughed. Which was definitely not normal for me!

A boy who looked about 1 or 2 years older came running in after her. Wow...just wow...I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guy so...gorgeous..well except for the sparkly thing stuck on his nose...was that a...unicorn?. I laughed softly which resulted in Song raising her eyebrow at me. Wow. What has happened to my normal doom and gloom thoughts?

The girls all giggled and hid her with the table cloth while the boy was being kicked out. I blushed slightly and only Song noticed. Of course Song noticed. She noticed everything. Even my secret....

I zoned back into what was happening when the girl popped up from under the table with a massive grin on her face. “Hi!! I’m Crazy!” Obviously I thought to myself. Some of us laughed others just looked at her as if in need of an explanation. She giggled. “No, I mean my name is Crazy, dorks!”

“Ohhh” we all said in unison.

I started off the introductions. “Hey Crazy, I’m Pink...” I looked down at my drink and took a sip not making eye-contact with anyone.

Everyone else started saying ‘hi’ and introducing themselves then she explained to us what that whole charade was about.

“Oh him? He’s just my brother, Erik. He’s suuuuch a dork.” When she mentioned that he was her brother, I literally choked on my drink, getting Iced-coffee everywhere. They all either looked at me as if they forgot I existed(probably true) or just laughed at me. Song being Song, pointed and laughed at me causing a scene...thanks.

I zoned back out of the conversation thinking about Crazy and Erik. She seemed pretty cool, and her brother...well....I don’t even know. I guess nothing seeing as he’s her brother and all, so never mind about that.

“Hey guys, I’m gonna go for a bit, I’ll meet you all at the park in about an hour? Or if the plan changes, just text me and yeah...” I stood up and grabbed my skateboard from under my chair.

They all smiled and said bye, I waved and forced a smile in response.

I plugged my earphones in and had Diamonds aren’t forever by bring me the horizon, blasting in my ears. Perfect.

I practically threw my board onto the pavement and began to skate down the pathway, with no distractions from my thoughts except the music....which actually helped me think.

I stopped at a set of lights and looked around. Erik.Without the unicorn sticker though, I admit I preferred him sticker-less. He was sitting on one of the benches.

Fug...what do I do! I decided on pretending I hadn’t seen him, even though he had seen me and knew I was staring at him.

When the light turned green signalling for me to cross, I skated away, trying to avoid an awkward situation.
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Meeh...not as good as i hoped :P