Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 47

I storm into the restaurant, where I could've SWORE Crazy dashed into.
Again, my anger gets the better side of me, and I yell, "WHERE IS SHE?!"

Everyone turns to stare, including the waiters, staff and a group of girls sitting at a ginormous table. One girl in particular with crazy-dyed hair's eyes bug out at me. She smiles and I kind of find myself smiling back.-I've always wanted to dye my hair some color, but I've never had the guts to try. Then her face suddenly becomes confused, and I think: Crap! It's probably the sticker on my nose! I don't want to rip it off, 'cause It's a special edition from the Sticker Expo I went to last night, so I left it there. I'd take it off carefully in the bathroom of the restaurant.

I look around one more time for any sign of Crazy, but I can't find her. So I was starting to go to the restroom when I notice a waitress walking towards me. She said in a smooth voice. "Sir, kindly leave."

I'm getting kicked out of a restaurant! I've NEVER been kicked out of anywhere before!- And on the count of my stupid sister: Crazy! (You're probably thinking "Why are you calling her Crazy now, when you always call her Esme or Esmeralda?" Yeah, I know. I just do it to bug her. I know she hates it when I call her that.)

So with no choice but to leave, I stride out of the restaurant angrily. There was no point of finding Crazy. I'd kill her when I get home, partially also because she stole a whole bunch of stickers of mine... Well at least I think that was her... It might've been Mom throwing them away, but It's most likely her. Probably.

Whatever, I just wanted to get the heck away from that restaurant. I don't want to get embarrassed, again. So I do just that. Then I remember the sticker. I rip it off, not caring anymore, and at throw it in a trash bin, near the bench I'm currently sitting on. Suddenly the girl from the restaurant comes skating down the sidewalk, but she quickly changes directions. Wow. She skateboards, too? I've always wanted to skateboard, but I failed miserably the last few times I tried.

...Maybe she could give me some lessons? She looked cool enough, and she did smile at me in the cafe.

"I'm an idiot," I think to myself, as I walk briskly towards the girl, who's already skating away.
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What's Erik feeling for Pink? *raises eyebrows*