Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 50

That chick Crazy seemed like fun. And her brother Erik was definetely checking Pink out.
On my walk home I noticed a movng van and acute boy next to it. He looked soooo hot. He had gorgeous golden shaggy hair and green eyes that make you want to melt. I decided I would help him out . When I walked up to him he just said "Hey Im Calen. " Then he started flirting with me as we moved things into the huse. He told me everything I needed to know. He loves sports, wants to go to college to be a doctor, hes 17, and he thinks M hot.Im mean could I meet a more perfect guy. After we got done moving stuff he insisted upon taking me to the movies. After the movie he switched phone numbers with me,told me had fun on our date, kissed me, and couldnt wait to see me again! I was uber psyched to go home and share the news with the girls.
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So what do yall think of Calen. Ya I know he sounds like a player, but hes actually really nice. And a major flirt ( just like Candy!)