Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 51

::Chapter ::

After having a new team member who was ‘introduced’ to us crazily.. Yeah, who am I kidding, Crazy made me laugh harder than I had in a while. What can I say, I'm chocolate deprived. We don’t have a bar left.
When we got home Bunny split it, Cat and I were left in the house alone. I thought about the groceries and cursed silently knowing Cat and Bunny aren’t raised with cursing. I sighed dramatically and looked over at Cat. “We didn’t go grocery shopping.” She looked at me and laughed. “Well then I’m outta here!” She quickly left the house leaving me looking at the door gob smacked.

Well isn’t she the little angel. There were two things I could do, and both involved the 2 chains that are going to take over the world. McDonalds or WalMart. I quickly grabbed some cash and decided to first go to WalMart. I could at least go buy some cocoa, I’m out of it and need my daily drug fast.

Running to WalMart for my daily exercise, causing some chaos here and there in the traffic because I hate standing before a red light. If I run, I don’t stop. At least without the girls, I am a guardian now. And I have to be the perfect adult because the government is always looking out for me for if I do something bad.

I can’t afford mistakes, but walking through red lights is nothing. I was nodding slowly to the music I found on youtube. I must say this guy is a genius. Who invents a song with villains having an own club and having a party on their own? Club Villain is awesome. Like I said, genius. I found myself in front of WalMart without breaking a sweat.

I quickly grabbed a cart and walked over to the cocoa section. I grabbed all the chocolate I could find, after all having all the girls around me I tend to buy WalMart empty every week. I’m a usual costumer here, all the people get out of my way when I arrive at the chocolate section. The people working here also always tell me there’s more in the back if I want too, and yes I always want it. Just like now.

“Hello miss, we have your usual in the back. Would you like me to get it for you?” I looked at he guy and smiled. “Yes please. And if your at it, could you also grab me 2 boxes of chocolate milk, a box of mac & cheese, a box of those sour worms, a box of milk and a box of sugar?” The guy smiled. “That’s the usual miss, it’s all fixed. I will open up cash register 5 for you, all your groceries will be left there.” I nodded. “Thank you, you are very helpful.” “Your welcome miss.” And then he walked off towards my groceries. I turned around and looked at my full cart, better take this cart to register 5 and grab another for healthy food. I wanted to finish shopping as quickly as possible, and me being clumsy and all of course almost hit a guy while looking at my cart.

With the sudden halt a couple of chocolate bars fell out of the cart and on the floor. I sighed and began picking them up. “I’m truly sorry sir, I wasn’t really looking anywhere—“ And he surprised me. He chuckled and began helping me pick up the bars that fell out of the cart. When I looked at his face, I was again gob smacked. He was the most handsome guy I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and believe me when I say, I’ve seen a lot. His face looked as if made by angels. Perfect.

“It’s okay, I wasn’t looking either.” And then he looked at me and I quickly studied his features without looking like a stalker. So this is how Xavier feels huh? I've got to give the boy more credit.
This guy looked around 25. He had black hair, and electric blue eyes. Lighter than mine, but he at least was handsome. I never thought of myself as gorgeous, I’m more of an ugly duckling! I don’t own any dresses. Okay I’m lying, I own a lot of dresses. But that’s because I have a shop where I actually make and sell those things.
When we stood up and put the bars back in the cart I looked at him again. “I’m really sorry.” “Like I said before, don’t fret it.” And then his hand came towards me and I was looking at it like, what is he doing. Of course I wasn’t thinking, he was giving me his hand to shake it. I haven’t had chocolate in a couple of hours, I think it must be that. I quickly snapped out of it and shook his hand. “My name is Dante Montgomery.” I gave a slight nod of understanding. “My name is Xena Benigno,” Then I pointed at my cart. “But everyone calls me Cocoa.”

He smiled. “You do have a lot of chocolate there. Is there any chocolate left for me?” I chuckled slightly. “I don’t think so, I grabbed everything there was and what they have in storage. If you want some you can take it out of the cart. A couple less won’t make a difference I guess.”

He looked at me as if looking at a ghost. I took a deep breath. “You see, I have 2 kid sisters and a lot of girl friends, equals a lot of girls equals a lot of chocolate. When 25 girls come at least 3 times a week to your home, you tend to have chocolate everywhere in the house.” He then did the un expected. He laughed, hard. It was a pleasant sound. Not one of those hyena laughs.
When he finally stopped laughing he smiled. “I guess I’ll take one out of your cart. I don’t need a lot. Just one a day. I’ll buy the others another time. It seems you need them more than I do.” This time I laughed. “You have no idea.”

“I guess you must have a big car to load this into.” I mentally slapped myself, I forgot my car! How could anyone forget his car! I sighed. “I forgot my car. You really helped me figure that out Dante. I would’ve stood there in the parking lot gaping like a fish.” He smiled. “Well if you don’t have a ride, why not let me take you. My car is hopefully big enough to transport you and all your groceries home.” My eyes widened. “I couldn’t possibly ask that of you!” “You didn’t ask, I offered.”

I looked at the cart and then back at him. “Alright. I would like that. As long as you have in the back of your mind that I am a very dangerous woman, and can protect myself from 50 ninja’s if it meant to be safe.” He raised his eyebrows with a smile. “50 ninjas? I’ve never seen one before.” I chuckled. ”That’s because I already beat them.” “I still have some groceries to buy, so you would have to wait a bit. I have to get some healthy food.” Dante said looking at my cart. “Alright I got it. No more funny jokes about the chocolate please! I have to do some shopping too, also something healthier than chocolate.” He nodded.

After grabbing the groceries together and paying our groceries at cash register number 5, we stuffed everything in his car. And he drove me off home while I was giving him directions. When he pulled up at my house, he shut down his car.

I looked at him. “What are you doing?” I was a bit apprehensive. “Relax, I’m going to help you take the groceries inside. If you don’t want me taking them inside, the least I could do is take them to your front door.” I nodded. “I’m sorry, you never know these days.” He nodded. “No you’re right. I would have done the same thing. We don’t know each other for long.” I nodded. “Thanks. ” “No problem.”

When everything was by my front door I looked at him. “Thank you for helping me. I think I would have left everything there except for two bars.” He was still smiling, how he could do that, I have no idea. He has some good mouth muscles. Wait, that sounded a bit weird. “You’re welcome. Next time you have trouble like forgetting your car you should give me a call.”

He grabbed a pen out of his suit. And looked in his other pockets for a piece of paper. It didn’t look like he had any paper. He sighed still smiling. I chuckled and gave him the back of my hand. He looked at me through his lashes, and wrote down his number. I grabbed the pen out his hand and wrote my number on the back of his hand. “I’m only doing this in case you ever get in trouble. When you do, please call me.” I said smirking. He chuckled, “I’ll do that. “

Then we turned around and saw the girls, their mouths wide agape.

I raised an eyebrow. “What? I’m not wearing any make up do I?”
Then Bunny and Cat took two steps forward. “Your going out with the principal?!?”

Oh shizzle..[/]
♠ ♠ ♠
Look! He's the principal! Don't judge! He's one hot fella!
So no making him bad guy! He's a good guy! And the girls LOVE him to pieces! ..

♪ ♫ Much Love! Cocoa! ♫♪