Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 52

~Cat's P.O.V~

There I was, laying on the couch, chillen with Bunny and the gals when I heard one gasp. Soon enough, they were all gathered by the window.

"Can you believe it!" Comfort shouted. "With Him?" Cookie piped up. I wasn't concerned, for they were probably just checking out another guy who ended up being gay. I wasn't even interested until I heard "Does Cocoa even know who he is?"

That's when Bunny and I shot looks to each other. We jumped up and slid through the group to the front window. There they were. My loving, goody toe-shoes, older sister. She was there exchanging numbers with Mr. Montgomery!

Don't get me wrong! He's a really cool guy and all, but our Principal! Yeah, sure, you could say he wasn't to hard on the eyes, but honestly? How could Cocoa do this? Was she even aware how wrong this is?

Maybe, I could get my grade up...

Wait Cat! Stop it! Ugh why am I thinking to myself like this! Am I insane?

That's when Cocoa turned around and saw our mouths in perfect "O" shapes.

She raised an eyebrow. “What? I’m not wearing any make up am I?”
Then Bunny and I took two steps forward. “Your going out with the principal?!?" I yelled.

It's not so much that I was mad, it's just the thought of Cocoa, our guardian, making out with Mr. Montgomery, our principal.

That's when he straightened up. His back stiffened and his head straight. "Hello Catalina." He nodded his head toward me. "Berenice." Okay let's get this straight.

He knew my sister, Bunny, because he knew me. I wasn't exactly the model student. Okay, the complete opposite. When ever I got in trouble, I would always bring Bunny into it.

Boy, this is going to be a awkward school year.