Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 54

I am loving Crazy! She's just so... Crazy. And when I heard about Cocoa with the principal, Mr. Mon-something, i knew I had to do something drastic.
When doing something drastic, you need people that can do drastic things! And all the arrows (Theoretical) pointed directly to Crazy! And Rainbow to a certain extent.
I already confronted Rainbow. It went something like this:
I showed her my notebook and she was all screamy, "Finally! Something is being done about this mess with the kissing and what-not! Count me in!" And dragged me to her house to talk about it. I've noticed that she gets a slight British accent when excited.
So I was going to Crazy's house with Rainbow. I knocked and an angry tall guy with bright blue eyes opened the door.
"You're.. Erik, right? I'm here to talk to Crazy.." Ok, he's a bit intimidating without the sticker on his nose.
He wouldn't let us in without a full-on inspection and Rainbow was getting paranoid.. Uh-oh! I had to hold her arm back for her to not get physical.
So she chose a verbal attack, "Let us IN, loser! We're here to see Crazy, not rob the house!" He looked startled. Rainbow took advantage of that and shoved him out of the door-way, holding my wrist in a grip tighter than hand-cuffs.
I looked back with an apologetic expression and raced upstairs to what Rainbow assumed was Crazy's room.
"Whoa!" Today was the day Crazy was unpacking all of her stuff, so she said her parents would let us come, today. Her house is Dove's old house and Lovey tears up when she comes near.
"You unpack FAST!" Indeed she did. Everything was in place, it looked like she was living here for a while, not less than a week!
There was a table splattered with paint in the middle of the room, posters and pictures of all the places she moved (More than me!), and stuff already strewn over the creamy carpet.
Most of all, a bunk bed with a couch where the bottom bunk is supposed to be. And Crazy dangling by her legs from the bar, waving madly.
"Hey guys! Are we here to talk about the Mission?! This is SO exciting! I was even more hyper than usual so I unpacked really fast- HEY! Get away from the door, Erik!" Words shot from her mouth.
With the last remark, Rainbow elbowed the door very hard and we heard a banging of wood on person and an angry cry of pain.
Crazy jumped down from the bed and sat at the table, we followed suit. I took out my note book and rewrote the page I had written before according to priority.
They looked at it and approved, but Crazy seemed down about something.
"If this is a mission, why aren't there code-names?!"
"Code-names? Cool!", Rainbow agreed.
"You're AKA!", Crazy screamed and pointed to Rainbow.
We were both puzzled. Crazy looked at us.
"Arse-Kicking-Agent!", we all burst into laughter. But it WAS a pretty good name for Rainbow.
"Then you're Agent CS", I said to Crazy. She was trying to guess what it stood for.
"Agent Crazy.. Socks?" we laughed hysterically again, wiping the tears from our eyes.
"Confetti-Stickers! I have no idea where that came from, but it works..?"
My code-name, we puzzled ore for a while. In the end, Rainbow had the bast one.
"Triple A." We were toying with the words "Author" and "writer". Why suddenly Triple A? The battery? Or...
"Amazing Adage Artist." I was surprised she knew that.. What did adage mean again?
"Adage means writing." Crazy picked up a dictionary off the top of her lamp (?!?!?!) and looked it up.
"An old writing; a proverb or saying." Not quite, but I guess it works!
"So we are AKA, CS, and Triple A!" We cheered.

"Now, let's get to work."
We spent two hours working out what to do and a plan. We had to get the skater girls back, then get everyone to like the sleep-overs. We will settle the rest later.
"OK, one last time. So Phase One..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Do you like it? The mission?