Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter Fifty-Five

“Cheese crust and apple sauce! Lemon juice and orange slices!” I yell like a madwoman. Mr. Montgomery looked amused at my odd way of telling my surprise. “Carrot sticks and psycho raccoons!”

“We get it!” Cocoa yells.

“You —” I point at Cocoa, “Him —” I point to Mr. Montgomery, “Hands —” I grab the hands with phone numbers and shake, “Phone numbers?!”

“Yes, Berenice,” Mr. Montgomery says, rolling his eyes at my inability to speak correctly.

“Hi, I’m Bunny!” I say, grinning with my hand outstretched in the hopes of lightening the mood.

“Yes, I’m aware,” he says with another rolling of the eyes. “Goodbye, Cocoa.”

“Noooooooo!” I yell as he walks away, kneeling down on the front porch. “How could he —”

“Can you help me bring the gorceries?” Cocoa asks, not at all phased by my weirdness.

“Oh, sure,” I say as a typical me moment. I stand up to help, just as Xavier comes running down the street.

“I heard yelling!” he screams as he runs across the street, and nearly gets ran over.

“He lives across the street?” everyone asks in chorus.

“What? I didn’t tell you?” I ask as innocently as possible. I am so never going to hear the end of this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but hopefully y’all don’t hate me. 0.0 Right?