Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 57

It’s been a week, and I haven’t seen the girls together the whole time! Alright. They came to Cat and Bunny in small groups, but they haven’t been hanging around together at all. I still have too much chocolate left, and without the girls it won’t get eaten.

I seriously needed to get the girls together. I haven’t seen or spoken to Song either. There has to be something, and sometimes the best cure is rest. If she doesn’t contact within another 3 days, I’m going to go kung-fu on her for not telling me what happened. That’s one of my rules. I need to know you’re alive. If you haven’t contacted me within 10 days, I’m going to make sure you’ll call me everyday in fear of not telling me again.

I sighed. I was in my shop working on a cosplay costume for a costumer. I’m almost finished, but I’ve been thinking way too much. That didn’t do well with the dress, it’s taking double the time to finish it than I would’ve and the customer will come here at the end of the day. I sighed again.

I got up and made myself a cup of hot cocoa and sat by the window looking at the people passing by looking at the dresses displayed. This is the ultimate relaxation, just looking at people’s outfits and styles. I always see something that other people wouldn’t notice on first sight.

On some occasions I would see my gang of girls shopping together. I smiled slightly. When I did that, a little girl came to the window and pointed at me looking at what seems to be her mother. But the woman was talking with another woman not giving her child a glance.
I waved at the little girl and she smiled a big toothy smile. She put both her hands on the glass and made a face. I laughed, I love children. Especially children with wit. I made a face too and she giggled.
We did that for a couple of minutes until her mother called her. She waved goodbye at me while I did the same. When she left her spot, I saw a pair of legs that were hidden behind the girl.

I slowly looked up and stood face to face with a smiling Dante Montgomery. My eyes widened. I smiled sheepishly and waved him in. I got up and went to sit at a little table I made at the side of the store for waiting costumers. “That was certainly a very interesting 5 minutes.” He chuckled and sat down in front of me. I chuckled too. “Interesting? Maybe, embarrassing? Very much indeed.” He laughed. “Would you like something to drink? Although I don’t have any coffee.” “A tea would be fine.” I nodded and went to the little kitchen in the back. “So what brings you here to the mall mister principal?” I said loudly so that he could hear me.

I heard footsteps and looked behind me. He was leaning against the doorframe. “I need to pick up a costume for drama. One of the teachers told me she made an order yesterday, and it could be picked up today.” I nodded. “Okay, I understand.” As I put the boiler on and but everything in it’s place I turned around and pushed myself on the counter. “You do know that this is a employee’s kitchen only?” He raised his eyebrows. “Is that so? I didn’t see any signs.” “You won’t see a sign either. There is no sign, usually customers know not to go anywhere that doesn’t involve regular shopping.” He sighed.
“I can’t win this can I?” “Nope, and because you can’t win, you can stay.” I smirked. He shook his head slowly. “Woman” He declared. “Woman” I mocked.

The boiler signalled that it’s done and quickly made his tea. I walked over to him and gestured for him to follow me. At the table I set down the tea in front of him. “So, where’s the costume being delivered?” He put down his cup of tea and opened his jacked grabbing a piece of paper. “I do believe..” He turned the piece of paper around for me “.. right here.

When I saw the piece of paper I looked at him. It’s my receipt. Well, the receipt I use here in the store for customers to pick up their clothing. I took it from him and gasped. “That cosplay costume is for your drama class?!” I quickly stood up. “I haven’t even finished it yet!” I quickly walked to the back of the store and sat down on my chair quickly trying to finish it.

I was working on the dress as quickly as I could without making any mistakes when I heard footsteps. I glanced at the door and saw Dante looking at me, confused. “What?” “Well, I thought you were going to order one, not make one yourself. The teacher was here yesterday, did you write down a wrong date for it to be picked up?” He asked. “No,” I stretched on the o’s. “But this wasn’t that hard of a task, I thought I would have finished a couple of hours ago.

But I got lost in my train of thoughts.” I admitted sighing. “I’m sorry, you’ll have to wait now. I sure am-“ He cut me off. “That’s alright, I don’t have anywhere to go anyway. I’d love to stay and watch.” I glanced over my shoulder again. “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m pretty sure.” He laughed.

As I worked on the dress, we didn’t talk at all. He grabbed a chair from the magazine table and came back to watch me work.

“Finished!” I cheered after 30 minutes. “You work fast. The owner must be proud of you.” Dante remarked. I spun around in my chair and laughed. “Oh yeah, I’m very proud of myself.” I winked. He laughed. “Ah, so that’s why you can bend the rules.” I nodded.

I grabbed the dress and went to the front, folded it neatly and put it in one of my personal shopping bags. “Well, your employee told me not to send it to the dry cleaner, she told me she would do it herself or something along those lines. I had to take off the money of dry cleaning it.” I implied. “Yes, they have a budged to keep to.” He said. “Aah, that explains it, you don’t give them enough money for costumes!” I mused. “That must be it.” He laughed while paying for the dress. I handed him the bag.

“Well, that’s that. I still have 2 hours before closing time though. I guess I’ll be working on another display dress.” I sighed smiling. “If you don’t mind, I’ll keep you company.” Dante smiled. I eyed him warily. “Are you sure?” He nodded. “Well, sure. I won’t be quiet now though, I’ll be talkative.” I chuckled. “That would be nice.” He grinned.

Well, that how my day went. It flew by, and I even stayed an hour after closing the shop. I was having a great time, and you could see that by the smile on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Took me a while to write another one! But enjoy!


♪ ♫ Much Love! Cocoa! ♫♪