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The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 8

Candys POV

I'm Candy, my real name being Candace, but that's way too long for me. It's kind of ironic that my nickname is Candy, because I tend to be super bossy and mean. Anyhow, I guess I can be considered the rich, spoiled one. I am kind of the wild child, too. That would explain my nose piercing, my tattoo, and my pink streaks. As far as appearances go, I guess I'm like uber hot, but everyone in my group of friends is.

I have curly, caramel brown hair, with a straight pink streak in it; and I guess I have these crazy, awesome blue eyes that kind of mesmerize people.

I love basketball (yeah, I even play basketball) because it's a super aggressive sport. Oh, and I have like this super crazy uber bad attitude; so if Love and I get mad at each other, watch out!

My crush is, of course, the school bad boy Noah. He is best friends with Dean. He has blonde hair, and bright green eyes. He's in sports, though, like the soccer team, and of course, basketball. So anyways, while I was flirting with Noah, I saw Bunny run into Love, while Love was staring at this sketchbook.

So, I decided to buy it for her.
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Hey I am Maggie and I will be writing Candy's POV