Status: We're Back And Ready! :)

The Randomness That Are Girls

Chapter 9

Rose's POV

"Girls! Get inside! See through shirts!” I heard my best friend out of all the girls, Gem, scream. I blushed bright red, lowering my eyes, hoping that my crush, Gale, wasn’t watching. Gale was one of the best soccer players on the team, and with his curly, dark brown hair, height of five inches taller than me, and bright, smiling green eyes, he could make me melt into a puddle. Too bad he never noticed me except when he needed help with math homework.

I glanced up at him, and he gave me a tiny smile, and then raised his eyebrows, gesturing toward my wet self. Oh, god. Cheeks burning, I dashed into the house, following my friends. God, he looked so cute, even though he was sweaty and muddy after soccer practice. Snap out of it, Rose, I told myself.

Well, I guess I should introduce myself. My real name is Rosetta, but I hate it. Rosetta reminds me of the type of shy, petite, blond, ballerina. I’m the exact opposite. I’m Indian, with dark, serious, brown eyes. I have wavy, thick black hair that falls a little lower than my shoulders. I’m a few inches above average height, at 5’ 7”. I don’t even own a single dress, other than a sundress, and I often wear ripped skinny jeans and hoodies. Except in the summer, where I wear graphic tees and jean shorts. I love to paint and write. My friend, Love, comes over sometimes and we sketch and paint together, ‘cuz we both love art.

Enough about me, I hate talking about myself. Anyways, did I mention how pissed I was at Bunny for waking me up at 6:00 in the morning? I hate waking up early. The earliest I would’ve woken up would have been 8:00, if it wasn’t for Bunny. Gem felt the same way.

“God, she has serious craziness issues. We’re all freaks, but did she really have to wake me up at 6:00 in the morning? I’m tired,” Gem yawned to me as we ran into the house, away from Gale and the other soccer boys.

“I know, right?” I rolled my eyes, and then blushed as Bunny joined our conversation.
“Hey, did you see the way Gale was looking at you?” Bunny chimed in. I rolled my eyes.
“Shut up, he was not. He doesn’t even look at me except if he needs help with math homework.I think he gave up on me after that one time he asked to help me practice soccer with him,” I murmured, and ignored as the two giggled at the disaster that had been. Gale had asked me to practice soccer with him once, and I ended up spraining my ankle, missing every ball he kicked to me, and scraping up my knees like hell.

“Ah, well, at least I thought he was looking at you,” Gem tried to help.
“He was probably noticing how horrible I looked,” I shrugged, as Rainbow yelled, “Let’s go to the mall!”

I changed out of my pajamas, which were a white, baggy T-shirt, and black short shorts into a blue tank top and jean shorts. I combed my tangled, thick hair to the best of my ability, and then gave up and pulled it into a ponytail.

We piled into Bunny’s older sister’s car, and she drove us to the mall, dropping us off. A bunch of us wanted to go to different places, but me, Gem, and Bunny ended up going to our favorite stores, mine being Hollister & Co., Gem's being Forever 21, and Bunn's being Aeropostale. I got a cute shirt from Hollister, and a pair of jeans from Aeropostale. I didn’t find anything cute on the clearance rack in Forever 21, which was strange.

I met up with Love as the others grabbed some breakfast in the food court, and together, we went into the art store.

“See, those are the oil pastels I was telling you about,” she sighed.
“And that is the canvas board that I’ve been saving up for,” I sighed. We looked at each other and laughed.
“We’re never gonna save enough money if we keep spending like this,” Love shook her head, glancing down at the shopping bags in my hands. I laughed, shaking my head.
“I agree with you. Hey, look at that sketchbook!”

We both snapped to attention at a beautiful, blank sketchbook, with thick, creamy pages. Instinctively, I reached for it, and so did Love.
“Here’s another one,” I said, picking up another copy for myself and handing the one I held to her.

“What are we thinking, we can’t afford these,” she groaned.
“No, look. They’re on sale!” I argued, pointing to the red clearance sticker. Wordlessly, she squealed, hugging me, and we went to the cashier with me to check mine out. She had to explain to me that she was dead broke, and refused to let me buy one for her.

We met up with the others in McDonalds, and they were mixing different sodas together and making Happy drink it. I laughed at the crazy things she would do, and then shrugged. Oh well. These were my crazy friends.
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I'm Alisha, and I will be writing in Rose's POV. Haha, hope you enjoy this story!
oh,and, could you pleeeeease check out my other stories?
