It Was Only Natural.


The sky seemed to be tearing itself apart. Lightening lit up the night before thunder ripped through the air, making entire houses quiver in their frameworks. The rain poured from the clouds, soaking any passerby that were unfortunate enough to be out in the storm.

It was the first storm of the summer and within minutes, it plunged most of New Jersey into darkness.

One moment, Mikey and Frank, two seventeen year olds obsessed with comic books, were playing old school Dreamcast. The next, they simply weren't.

Frank was afraid of storms. So was Mikey.

Therefore, it was only natural that as the lightning showed no signs of stopping, the two boys would gravitate towards each other in the darkness, fingers desperately reaching out for an arm or shoulder.

It was only natural that Mikey would gasp when Frank accidentally grazed his hip, making them both blush.

It was only natural that, as the lights stayed off and the storm continued, they would get even closer to each other, their breath ghosting over the other's skin.

Being that close, it was only natural that they would accidentally bump noses as they tried to shift positions. It was only natural that Frank would pause, feeling Mikey's wispy hair brush against his forehead as Mikey felt the coldness of Frank's nose ring against his cheek.

It was only natural for both of them to inwardly whisper fuck it before leaning forward and kissing for the first time.

The storm ended half an hour later and the lights came back, along with Mikey's television, which bathed them in soft white light. Even as the game blared in the background, both of them ignored it.

It was only natural for them to continue what they'd started.
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Drabbles are far too much fun to write.
