Diary of a Very Embarrassed Teen

Monday 21st July ....6:30 pm

At the moment mum and dad are downstairs.
For a moment I thought they would call me to say 'hi' to the neighbors.
Hopefully this time, they won’t be scared away by my parents like last time.
I’m still embarrassed thinking about it.
We moved a couple of years back. Mum and dad invited the neighbors round for a 'welcome party'.
Afterwards, we weren’t very welcome.

I was standing in the corner. Mum and dad were serving drinks. He placed the glass down on the table when suddenly our dog, bluebell, came skidding around the corner, knocked into my dad who, sent the drinks flying. Flying all over Mrs Next-door-to-the-left.
The place went mental. Mr Next-door-to-the-left started sneezing as he was allergic to animals.
People were screaming and one of our other neighbors got trampled on by my brother.

Then, at that precise moment, my mum decides to shout. "Seeing as the wines gone, would anyone like some orange squash?"

Well, lets just say, the woman who was being squashed by my brother was pretty pissed off.

Now you wonder why I don’t want to meet the neighbors.
So at the moment I am sat up in my bedroom with my diary on my knee. Is it just me or does anyone else think this life is a complete waste of time.

Monday 21st July
6:37 pm

Mum and dad are now calling for me to introduce myself.
God help me.
Maybe if I pretend to break my leg, I will not be forced to come down.

Monday 21st July
6:38 pm

Maybe if I actually do break my leg, I won’t be forced to come down.

Monday 21st July
6:39 pm

(Smashing my leg on a desk leg) Ouch!