Diary of a Very Embarrassed Teen

Tuesday 22nd July ...7:01 am

At the moment, I am very angry.
My three year old brother came bundling into my room about half an hour ago and woke me up.
What is the point?

Tuesday 22nd July
9:32 am

After a morning of my brother wearing his nappy on his head whilst screaming, 'sheathead, sheathead' -I don’t know where he gets his words from- my mum decides to tell me that as the summer holidays are so close, there will be no need to go to school.
I was so happy; I could have run around screaming with a nappy on my head.
As far as I'm concerned, school is a waste of time. You only get to be a child once and most of that is spent coped up in a class room with teachers trying to tell you useless facts, that no-one will ever use.
Take last week for instance.
I was sat in class listening to the geography teacher go on and on and on about some river in Germany.
That in itself is completely useless, as
1. I am never going to Germany.
2. My bf had just dumped me and my friends were comforting me. And learning about the Rhine isn’t exactly helping my mood.

This is what happened.....

Hannah put her arm around me. "Its okay, he wasn’t worth it. I mean any guy whose dad owns a pound shop can't be that good."

"Yeah," said Kate. “but think about all the free cleaners and shampoos you would get." she finished, as brilliantly as ever.

Hannah looked at her with piercing eyes. Her expression clearly said 'shut the hell up'.
At that moment Mrs Upperdear decided to pick on me to answer a question.

"Ellie, would you please tell me what country the river finishes in?"

"Umm...I’m...well...umm....I’m not sure."

"Well, if you were paying attention you may have got the answer." she said in the patronizing voice she had adopted.

I temped to say 'well, Mrs Up-A-Rear (her commonly used nickname. it best described her natural habitat) I do not know the answer to this question as I haven’t been paying attention, because your voice is so incredibly annoying, I think even my Nan (who every week goes to ‘Knitters-R-Us’) would keel over from boredom.'

But of course, I defeated the odds and controlled my temper.
I’m good like that.

Tuesday 22nd July
1:58 pm

Mum has just announced that Uncle Derek is coming round to help us move in more comfortably.
God, I would rather be doing double geography now.
And that’s saying something

Tuesday 22nd July
2:48 pm

Uncle Derek is here.

Tuesday 22nd July
2:49 pm

And he is wearing the bright yellow and pink fluorescent shorts.