Diary of a Very Embarrassed Teen

Thursday 24th July ...8:49 am

I am now hiding in my room.
I am not even going to risk peering through the gap in the door.
It’s far too dangerous.
Uncle Derek is still downstairs. He stayed around the last two nights and I am beginning to think he may be our new lodger.
Why do I think bad thoughts?
Yesterday, we went to the zoo...honestly, you would have thought I was 3 years old, not 13.
So anyway, on the way to the zoo, we stop for petrol.
If you have been to a petrol station recently you know of the signs that are stuck on the side of the pumps.
If not, they go a bit like this...
1. Do not eat or drink near the pumps.
2. Please turn off mobile and car phones.
3. No children under 16 can use the pumps.

So, my uncle pulls up. He is still eating his king seize portion of chips from 'Bad Bill's Big Barbeque Buffet'.
So he steps out the car, whilst eating his chips (cue dirty looks from the cashier) and pulls down a pump.
Suddenly his pocket vibrates and I realize its phone.

"Hold that, Ellie dear, whilst I answer this." he passes the pump to me.

The cashier is beginning to rise out of her chair, then sit down, then rise again. Honestly, I thought she was on helium.
So he answers his phone and we might have been able to get away with it, if it wasn’t for his incredible loud voice.

"Burr, Burr, matey," the conversation went. "Yeah, I think that the I can manage to get him a small package." he winks dramatically at me.

At that precise moment I noticed a guy, not just any guy, a gorgeous guy walk towards us. He is wearing the petrol stations uniform.
I wished the ground was swallowing me up.
They guy looks at me then goes to my uncle. "I'm afraid you have to leave sir."

"Cant you see I’m on the phone."

"That is precisely why you have to leave."

So now I am sat in my room, praying that my uncle doesn’t knock on my door.

Thursday 24th July
8:54 am

Someone is knocking on my door.
God help me.

Thursday 24th July
8:55 am

I have a plan. I will pretend to sleep.

Thursday 24th July
8:56 am

"Come 'ere darlin"

Ohhhhhh Noooooooooo!!!!!!!