We Come out at Night

"Don't ever stop running Tess. No matter what happens to us, you have to keep running. Your life counts more than ours."

Tess Markobs isn't reall your average recently-turned-adult girl. Her father makes her cook and clean the whole house, her sisters are both a pain-in-the-ass, and she dosen't know anything about her mother. The only good thing in her life is her best friend Heidi.

However, when she walks into the woods after a 'dog' snatched her purse, she's brought into a world of the supernatural that she never knew of. Secrets are released, including something she never knew about herself - and with help from five werewolves, she's taught how to fight and survive to become what she's born to be.

A Vampire slayer. The only one of her kind left.

But, of course, things are never easy. Along the way with her trainning, she finds herself falling for two of the werewolves - Jimmy and Matt.


**NOTICE** I don't own any of the Avenged Sevenfold boys, nor any of the songs listed. The only thing I own is the plot line. And as you can see, Jimmy is involed in the story - a lot - so if you find that offence, I recommend that you stop reading now. To the rest of you, I hope you enjoy this story.