‹ Prequel: In Your Mind
Status: New. Read the prequels.

Like We Used To

Chapter 1

----Jinx's P.O.V----

I can't remember the last time I smiled.

The last time I laughed genuinely.

The last time I was out past nine.

But here I sat, in the middle of my classroom, my students peering up at me over there worn out textbooks.

"What does an author do when a plot line just forms in there head?" I questioned.

Marcie Stuart's hand shot up immediately, an eager smile plastered to her face. She was one of my best students. The 2nd best in the class. But, the very best was absent today..

"Yes, Marice?"

"They twist a turn it into there own way."

"After they down Tylenol and half bottle of vodka," Chris chided.

"Chris." I tsked.

"It isn't as easy as you guys make it sound." He argued. "When I'm writing about my character walking down the street and... a monkey eating a banana forms in my head I have to think a lot about how I'm going to fit it in there."

"Mr. O'Callaghan didn't ask for insane ideas." Piper grumbled, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "It's very rare for a writer to think of a monkey eating a banana when the character is walking down the street."

"Not in my mind."

"Who knows what's in your mind? I fear for you conscious, and that's saying alot." Kevin muttered.

"Guys," I spoke up. "Calm down. I didn't need an elaboration. I wanted a flat out answer. Nothing more."

"A good writer knows how to defend there creativity." Piper defended.

"What douche said that?" Chris questioned.

"Uh, you did." She retorted.

Christ grumbled something and folded his arms across the desktop. Half of the class snickered and starred at me in expectation.

"Do we have homework tonight?"

"Not much," I mumbled, flipping through my work. "Just write half a page or more on one of your original characters meeting there idol."

"Why can't we ever write about love?" Marcie questioned. "Love is..."

"Bullshit?" Piper snapped.

"An easy fuck." Chris added.

"Your mom in my bed." Kevin smirked.

"Grow up." Marcie shook her head.

"Grow a pair." Kevin retorted.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, sighing softly. This is what I deal with on a daily basis. It's driving me crazy..

"Of what? Something you clearly don't have."

Kevin frowned and ignored her, turning and high fiving Chris for some unknown reason. I for a fact, didn't want to know.

"Love is amazing." Marcie added.

"Dammit." Piper spat. "Are we on this again? It doesn't exist. It's fake. A lie. It's all bullshit."

"It's alive." I whispered softly.

They all turned there eyes towards me, questioningly. Piper's mouth was pressed in a firm line as her eyes clouded with confusion.

"What?" Marcie asked.

"Nothing." I sighed. "Just write about the assignment I told you to write about."

Marcie sighed, defeated and jotted something down on her notepad. I walked back to my desk and closed my notebook just as the bell started ringing.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow." I called after them.

The familiar chair to my right screeched as it was pushed it. The shuffling of feet was audible as I looked up.

"Yes Marcie?"

"What happened?"

I sighed and looked up at her. "What do you mean?"

"What happened to you?"

"Elaborate, please."

"In your love life. Something happened." She stated flatly, her arms crossed. Her blue orbs starred back at me in pity.

"Nothing Miss Stuart, nothing of your concern."

She swallowed and wiped her hands on her jeans. "I could understand. A good writer feels emotions of other people just as if they've live them."

"I know." I mumbled. "I just wish to not share it."

"Maybe sometime later?" She questioned, hopefully.

"Maybe later."

"I'll hold you too it." She smiled, dashing off.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I need to pack up and swing by to get Kadie from school... Maddie is going home with a friend so I don't have to worry about that.

I nodded and grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder before shuffling out the classroom door.


"Jinx!" Kadie squealed, running into my arms.

"Hey doll," I whispered, wrapping my arms around her. "Are you ready to go home?"

"To your house or to mommy and daddies?"

"Whitch one do you wanna go to?" I questioned.

"Yours!" She said excitedly.

"Then mine it is."

At least I'm making one person happy in this world.
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