‹ Prequel: In Your Mind
Status: New. Read the prequels.

Like We Used To

Chapter 11

Kyle pulled away and starred at me in awwe. Our breathing mingled as I peered up at him, a shit eating grin stretched across my face. He cracked a smile and brushed my hair out my eyes before leaning back into to reconnect our lips.

"What in the hell?" Marcie and Mindy both shrieked, mouths wide in disbelief. Seriously, does it look like me and Kyle could know each other and not be gay?

Kyle's smile faltered as he dropped my hands. I frowned as he raced towards Mindy's bewildered side. I blinked multiple times before sighing.

Of course.

I scratched my head and slowly sat down, pulling my knees up to my chest. Why am I so stupid? What made me think he actually wanted me?

Heidi smirked at me before sighing softly. "You gotta do, whatcha' gotta do." She murmured quietly.

"I think- I t-t-think I messed up." I stammered, laying my head on my knees. "I can't believe I actually did it. What was I thinking? I'm so stupid."

"Hey." She breathed out, shaking her head. "You did it 'cause you wanted to. And if I do say so myself, either you were gonna do it first or Kyle was. You should've seen the look on his face."

"I did." I stated, starring at her blankly.

"Oh, yeah!" She giggled to myself. "I'm just now getting used to it myself."'

I scowled at her and ran a hand through my hair. "I'm afraid too look up, does Marcie look upset? Wait- don't tell me. I don't wanna know. What about Mindy and Kyle? Does she look- Never mind, I don't wanna know that either."

"To me," She laughed, "Either way you guys look screwed."

"Mindy looks that bad?" I whispered, glancing up.

"No," She shook her head slowly, a small grin crawling up her face. "Kyle looks that bad. As if he won the lottery and suddenly it was a false ticket or some shit."

I cocked my head to the side and rolled my eyes. "What the hell does that mean?"

"Like," She started off. "He's really ecstatic you kissed him, and Mindy ruined the spark between you guys before it could start."

"What should I do?" I inquired, glancing at Marcie.

She was sitting in one of the many chairs next to Mindy and Kyle. To top it all off, she was starring at me in bewilderment.

I bite my lip and stood up, stuffing my hands in my pockets. Time to man up and be a.. man. I shuddered at the thought.

I stumbled closer and closer to her until I was right next to her. She peered up at me with her big round eyes. I cringed mentally as I realized tears were starting to form.

"Marcie," I licked my lips. "It's really hard to explain this, but- Ooof!"

I winced in pain as my back made contact with the nearest wall. My eyes widened as Kyle smirked down at me. I didn't have time to blink before he pushed my head back and gripped my hips.

"I've been waiting for this, for, well, since I got here." He whispered huskily.

"W-what about Mindy?" I stammered.

"What about her?" He retorted, kissing down my jaw.

"She's your-" I paused, holding back a moan. "Oh god Kyle,"


"We're in my living room." I deadpanned, narrowing my eyes at him.

His mouth formed a small 'o' before shrugging. "Do you want to take this to the bedroom?"

My mouth fell open in shock. He, Kyle Burns- Did he just honestly say that? Kyle was always against PDA. And now, he wants to take it to my old bedroom, where it's completely obvious as to what is going on?

"What are you smoking?" I exclaimed, shoving him away.

"Who isn't nowadays." Heidi mumbled, shoving by us grinning. "You kids don't have too much fun, yeah?"

Kyle nodded eagerly and began dragging me upstairs. I let it happen, just starring at him in bewilderment.

What the fuck?

What the fuck?

Mindy is still here.

John's in the front yard.

My parents are cooking.

This just spells out a disaster.

I snapped back to myself as he began tugging our clothes off. I shoved him away and crawled back onto the bad, pulling my knees to my chest.

"What's wrong with you?" I cried out, throwing my hands up.

"I thought this was what you wanted!" He yelled in an exasperated tone.

"I do." I admitted sheepishly. "But not while our current girlfriends sit downstairs. Not in my old bedroom, in my parents house."

"You make it sound so bad." He grumbled, pulling his pants up.

"It looks even worse!" I stated flatly.

He shrugged. "Probably."

I bite my lip to keep a smart reply from spewing out. What's wrong with Kyle? He's acting so different... and I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
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