‹ Prequel: In Your Mind
Status: New. Read the prequels.

Like We Used To

Chapter 14

"And he left?" Jared questioned softly, patting my shoulder.

I nodded sniffling. "He didn't even give me a chance to explain."

Jared sighed and stood up, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets before looking up at the sky littered with stars. "Does that remind you of someone?"

I shook my head.

"Some scared, upset little kid who didn't give someone a chance?" He raised his eyebrows, giving me his knowing look.

I bite my lip and looked down, shuffling my feet. "But I'm different...."


"I'm younger and I haven't screwed up our relationship!" I exclaimed, too loudly.

He hushed me and patted the bench next to him. I sighed and shuffled over, burying my head in the palms of my hands.

"I-I'm different, r-r-right?" I stammered, burying my head in his chest. He turned his body and angled it my way, rubbing my back soothingly.

"Maybe." He breathed. "But you have to see it from his point of view. He only saw you and Marcie kiss. He didn't hear you tell her the whole back story or anything."

I frowned in defeat and pulled my knees up to my chest, propping my head up on them. "I guess you're right..."

"Aren't I always?" He grinned, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully before wringing my hands together nervously. I sucked in a deep breath and peered up at him.

"How do I fix it?"

He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his forehead. "I should get paid for this." I watched him as he began digging around in his pocket.

"Jared, I really do need to know how-" He cut me off.

"Hold on." He muttered, pulling something out of his pocket.

I eyed it suspiciously, "What's that?"

"It's going to fix all of your problems." He smirked, confidence bleeding through his voice. I took the necklace from his hand curiously.

"What is it?"

"Read it!"

I bite my lip and flipped it open, instantly jumping up. "Oh no, no no no no. A million times no, that could possibly be the worst idea, ever."

"Why not?" He questioned.

"Because." I sighed. "It'll only fuck shit up again."

"Nice choosing of words." He complimented, laughing.

"Thanks." I shrugged.

A comfortable silence settled over us as I grew quiet. He glanced at me and shook my shoulder softly. I turned towards him and groaned.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I muttered, "Where did you even get it? How did you guys manage to persuade Tim to let someone come on tour?"

"Um, the second question answers the first question." He laughed, "To answer the second question, Tim put me in charge of finding a merch bitch."

"Just like that? No strings attached?" I eyed him suspiciously.

He smiled sheepishly. "With maybe telling me to convince you to come, since after all, you're an amazing merch.....bitch."

I pressed my lips in a firm line before breaking out into a wide grin. "I guess I have to pack my bags, huh?"

He nodded eagerly and began pushing me towards my apartment stairs. I laughed and shoved him off before leaning against the wall.

"Does John know?"

He sucked in a deep breath as his face contorted into mixed emotions. "Eh, not really. That's kinda why Tim put me in charge.. He didn't want John to know I was getting you to come..."

I gave him a blank expression. "What?" I asked flatly, putting my hands on my hips for more dramatic effect.

"John maybe told us that," He swallowed. "He didn't want you coming on tour, just for the reason to keep you away from Kyle.."

"And you think he's going to be all peachy when he finds out I'm coming?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up. "Jesus, Jared, I can't even- He is going to burst a vein or some miraculous shit is going to happen!"

"Maybe he doesn't have to know." He grinned slyly.

"I like how you think, Monaco." I nodded in approval. "Spill your plan."

He tapped his chin before jogging back down the stairs and plopping down on one of the many chairs that occupied my living room. I followed him and carefully sat down directly across from him, eyebrows raised.

"If he doesn't see you, he won't know you're there." He explained, "And, if he does, too bad, it isn't like we can just turn the bus around once we get there."

"So.." I licked my lips. "As long as we get there with me undetected, everything should go smoothly, right?"

He nodded eagerly. "Exactly!"

"I'm in."

He fist pumped the air before swiftly pulling out his phone. "Sweet, I'm telling Tim as we speak, or as I type, whatever floats your boat."

I rolled my eyes before falling back onto the love seat. "Oh lord, what would we do without our dearest, Jared Monaco?"

"You would fall into a black hole of nothing and drown in your own tears," He deadpanned, before laughing lightly.

I scowled and crossed my arms. "I would not!"

"Would too." He argued.

"Would not." I huffed.

"Okay, you wouldn't."

"You really think that?"

"No, you would." He ruffled my hair. "Maybe if you were John, yeah sure, but you're you. Jinx O'Callaghan wasn't made to be tough."

I swatted his hand away before sighing in defeat. "Whatever, Jared." I said, jogging up the stairs to my room.

"You know I'm right!" He yelled after me. "You have to admit it!"

I bite my lip to keep from bursting out laughing. Instead I rummaged through the mess I called my closet and began packing my clothes, for tour.

Or hell.

♠ ♠ ♠
Geeeeet ready.


It's almost over..
Like, maybe 3 more chapters.
Five for the most.

Pleasee Comment!

The new episode of Teen Wolf is coming on tonight,
who's pumped? xD

It's my favorite TV series right now.