‹ Prequel: In Your Mind
Status: New. Read the prequels.

Like We Used To

Chapter 2

----Jinx's P.O.V----

"Jinx," Heidi groaned. "You need to go out. Live a little."

"I'm living," I retorted. "I have class tomorrow,"

"You always do!" She exclaimed. "Take a break for ounce."

"I don't have time for breaks." I shook my head.

She pressed her lips into a firm line and shook her head before stepping forward and brushing the wrinkles away in my shirt.

"I wish you would understand everybody isn't like Kyle." She whispered. "There not all going to hurt you."

I blinked tears away and quickly kissed her cheek. "Thanks for your concern Heidi but I'll manage.."

"Whatever you say.." She trailed off. "I have to go,"

She stood up and grabbed her bag. "Your sister wants me to come in early,"

"Oh, well have fun," I teased.

"Piss off." She mumbled, walking out.

I laughed and locked the apartment door, walking down the narrow hallway. I peered into my room and at Kadie's sleeping form.

I quietly walked closer and pulled the cover down from her face. I smiled softly and walked back into the living room.


"You ready?"

"I wanna stay here!" Kadie pouted.

"If you do Mommy will miss you!" I whispered. "You can stay the night tomorrow night."


"I promise."

She grinned and took off sprinting to my car. I licked my lips and grabbed her Blue's Clues backpack before following after her.

I rolled my eyes as I saw she was in the passengers seat. I opened the door and narrowed my eyes at her sheepish smile.

"Pleaseee, Jinxy?" She begged, pouting.

"Kadie you know mom doesn't like it-" She cut me off.

"But your not momma!"

I pinched the bridge of my noise and sighed before closing the door and walking over to my side. I slid in and pointed my finger at her.

"Buckle up then."

She grinned at me and quickly strapped herself in. I cranked the car and began speeding down the road.

"I'm hungry."

I glanced at her before laughing. "You just ate before we left."

"I'ma growing child."

"You wanna go see John, right?" I questioned. "Cause if I go get you food you'll miss seeing John."

She gasped and brought her hands to her mouth. "He's leaving?"

I nodded. "He's going back on tour."

"Are you going?"

Her question made my stomach uneasy. Just the mere thought of going on tour made me nervous and anxious all at once.

"No Kadie," I sighed. "I'm not going."

"Why?" She peered at me through her bangs. "You're not gonna go see Kyle?"

I swallowed and tightened my grip on the steering wheel. "N-no. Kyle has a girlfriend.."

"A girlfriend?" She exclaimed.

I nodded before studying the road that lay out before me.

"He's cheating on you!"

I cracked a smile and shook my head. "No.... We broke up."


"Four years ago."


"Kadie," I sighed. "Drop it. Just Drop it."

"But-" I cut her off.

"I said Drop it." I snapped.

She whimpered and scooted as far as she could away from me. I sighed and reached across the car and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

She shrunk back from my touch and I quickly frowned.

"Kadie I'm sorry..." I trailed off. "It's a tough subject for me."

"But you love Kyle." She inquired with her bottom lip jutted out.

"He doesn't love me."

"We'll fix it!" She exclaimed, unbuckling herself as I pulled into the driveway. She quickly hopped out and ran inside, arms flaring.

I sighed and followed after he eager form. I slowly opened the door and walked in, brushing my hair out of my face.

"Jinx," My mom's warm voice smiled. "It's so lovely to see you taking a break."

"Hey mom," I smiled, wrapping my arms around her much smaller body.

She brushed my shirt off and peered up at me, as if she was inspecting me. "You need to eat more." She shook her head.

"Mom I eat fine,"

She sighed and sent me a look before walking into the kitchen. I turned around and spotted John and Garrett in the living room

I shuffled over to them and slid in next to John. I brushed my hair out of my eyes before nodding at John and Garrett.

"You coming on tour with us?" Garrett questioned.

"Are you stupid or something?" John exclaimed. "That's the worst idea ever!"

I scratched my neck and coughed. "N-no. I have work and bills to pay."

"But-" John cut Garrett off.

"He has work and bills to pay, Garrett." John hissed, elbowing Garrett.

"It was only a thought.." Garrett defended.

"Well keep your thoughts to yourself." John grumbled. "That's the last thing we need. For Jinx to run into Kyle again."

That's the last thing I need.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is more of a filler...
Kyle will show up in about 6 or 7 chapters...
That's just an estimation.

Knowing me, it'll probably be sooner.

I want ideas.
I mean, I have a plot line...
But y'know, a story's not good without a little drama in between...
So yeah..
