‹ Prequel: In Your Mind
Status: New. Read the prequels.

Like We Used To

Chapter 7

----Jinx's P.O.V----

I swallowed hard and scratched my neck. I let out a shaky breath of air and blinked before flickering my eyes around the yard.

"H-hey Kyle." I mumbled, kicking my feet.

"Hey J-j-jinx." He greeted back, smiling awkwardly.

I bite my lip and looked around, my stomach growing uneasy. I fiddled with my hands and laced my hand with Kadie's.

"We should get going."

She pouted. "I wanna stay here with Johnny and Kyle!"

"And Kennedy, Tim, Pat, and Garrett." John added, pointing to the end of the apartment. "And the rest of FTSK's guys..."

I could have slapped him right there and then. But, my mind was distracted with the thought of Tim. I have to ask him now. This is truly one thing I can't mess up.

"John, can you watch Kadie?" I questioned, walking towards the garage.

"Sure." He said, clearly confused.

I jogged towards Tim and his eyes lit up as he saw me. "Oh Jinx, things just aren't the same with out you on tour."

I laughed nervously before swallowing. "I have a favor to ask you."

He sighed. "Shoot, but hurry, I'm tired, I've had a bazillion interviews with newer bands."


"Really?" I mumbled. "Uh, I have some friends, students actually, There in a band and I would appreciate it if you could watch them play a few songs.."

Tim sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before agreeing. "One show." He promised.

I smiled thankfully at him and shook his shoulder. "Thanks, it means alot."

He cracked a smile and wandered off, leaving me against the garage door by myself. I nibbled on my fingernail nervously, trying to ignore the look Kyle kept sending me.

Just keep ignoring it, everything will go fine.

"You look like shit." Garrett mumbled, sliding in next to me.

"Thanks for the compliment." I muttered sarcastically.

"You're welcome." He grinned cheekily. "How's Heidi?"

I rolled my eyes before shrugging. "She's good, single, young, pretty-"

"I get it!" He exclaimed, laughing. "I'm gonna try, it's worth a shot."

I patted him on the shoulder before looking around nervously. I bite my lip and fiddled with the hem of my shirt. Don't think about it. Just don't think about it.

I don't need to- What the hell? I have to face it, Kyle's here with his precious Mindy White. I just hate her. I hate her name. I hate everything about her.

Dammit! I'm thinking about him. It. Everything. Just turn around and grab Kadie, walk off without another word said to anyone other than Kadie or John.

That's the plan. Stick with the plan. Be the plans friend. Don't forget the plan. Just like Kyle forgot me and left me- I'm not sticking with the plan.

I sighed and spun around, marching towards John and Kyle. I didn't turn or even twitch an eye when I noticed everyone turning around and watching what I was doing.

Honestly, I don't blame them. I would have done the same exact thing. But I'm not them, I'm the one they're starring at.

I bent down and scooped up Kadie, tickling her. "Come'on kiddo, we gotta get goin,"

She pouted and crossed her arms. "I don't want to see Marcie."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before carefully setting her down and bending down to her level, "Lucky for you, you're not seeing Marcie, I am."

She whimpered and jerked her arm away from me. "You're getting smart with me, I don't like it when you get mean." She cried, lunging into John's arms.

I slapped my forehead and clenched my eyes shut. "Kadie, listen to me, alright? Were leaving and then I'm dropping you off, it's a done deal."

"You're just leaving because of Kyle!" She exclaimed, jabbing her finger in his direction. "That and Spencer said you're fucked up in the head for liking Marcie!"

Everyone who was in hearing distance gasped, their hands flying to there mouths much for the dramatic effect. I swallowed and dropped my head, tears pricking my eyes.

I slowly walked forward and leaned in towards her. I didn't dare meet eyes with John's astounded face as he held Kadie.

"You may just be eight years old, but you're a smart eight year old." I mumbled, scratching my head. "You have no clue what I've been through, I might sound desperate and pathetic but Marcie's good for me, good for us, and if this is how you're going to treat me then.. so be it."

I slumped my shoulders and dropped my gaze as I walked by Kyle. He shot his hand out, and pulled me backwards.

"Jinx-" I cut him off.

"Take it. Take it all," I muttered, shrugging his hand off.

"Jinx!" Kadie shrieked, sniffing.

I ignored her and continued towards my car, ignoring every sound and murmur that whizzed by, clearly all about me.

I didn't stick with the plan.
♠ ♠ ♠
Emotional chapter.
Either that or just sinus'.

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Or else!

I kid.
But seriously, tell me how you like the whole emotional chapter
and how Jinx blames it on Kyle.

New character in the characters page, Marcie.
Ignited Flame.
Check it out?
Kennedy Brock and Original Character.
