Status: Slow Active

Have Faith in Me


I relished in the euphoric feeling that comes with shifting. There were no lights outside but the inside of my skull was shooting fireworks like when you read about a couple's first kiss in books. The feeling was all to distract you from the pain of bones changing shape and taking a new form. It's not the most comfortable feeling in the world obviously. As I fell to all fours I turned back to my twin and motioned my head for her to follow. After she had turned into black cat form, I walked with caution out of the bars and into the room. I crawled up to the door to look out the cracks and I saw the obnoxious... Well words don't really work for him seeing as now I am getting side-tracked here. Look a lightening-bug. Well where was I... I saw the obnoxious man, I guess, walking to the door, closer and closer. I turned to Ali and motioned for her to hide. I ambled over to the side of the door where I could still see out and saw that the dumb ass was closer than I thought.
It seemed to me like he was almost skipping to the door with the thought of us possibly being dead. At his liveliness, I knew Sam had not been spotted. Good, leave him to me whenever I see his sorry ass. You don't say you're gonna be someone's saviour and then leave them to rot in a freaking cage that they've been locked in for days especially not when they specifically told you they were claustrophobic. Oh well, to deal with what I can at the moment. I climbed up the ladder to the rafter and waited with baited breath for him to walk in.
He sauntered in and came to a stop in front of the empty cage as well as the one with his not so conscious brother. He really wasn't smart. Then again he did manage to capture the ridiculously bulky guy who was supposedly our saviour. Well I'm getting off track now. I looked out the window. I figure more than likely Sam and Dean should be headed this way by now, I mean how long should it take two pretty strong men to overpower an evil little girl and her elderly daddy. Their shadows were easy to spot but they weren't close enough so I jumped. I landed on his shoulders. Hissing I scratched at his face. Being able to transform into a cat does have its perks you know? He flailed around desperately trying to remove me from his shoulders. He wasn't so lucky, but as to have more claw marks from trying to hang on because hey, even cats can be clumsy.
The door slammed open and in walk Sam and Dean, in what I suppose you could say was what you would call a blaze of glory on a TV show or in a movie. Guns in the air ready to fire, dust flying off the door which hit the wall with a rather large smack and walking with a purpose here to do some damage. I can just hear the music in the back ground something like AC/DC. But no there was no music, just gun shots and worried faces at the fact that the two girls who were here are missing, at least to them anyway. I jumped off Mr. Creeper's shoulders onto something nearby and thankfully managed to land on it. I watched as he went down with a shotgun butt hitting the back of his head. I looked around for Ali wondering where she disappeared to. I saw her small black cat form hidden at the wall next to the ladder and I wondered if we should change back. In reality that would probably be the best choice as Sam and Dean might actually be able to get us something to eat and somewhere to sleep other than a car. I walked over to Ali and motioned to further back in the shed hoping we could find a spot to shift and remain unseen by those two. We found a spot near the back of the decrepit barn. I focused on my pulse and found that peace in which you can shift and in an instant was back to my regular old self, skinny jeans and all. I turned around to find Ali and her vibrantly red hair back to normal too. I looked toward Sam and Dean our supposed saviors. I grabbed Ali's hand and started walking towards them. Maybe this nightmare might finally be over.
But no of course not, the second we walked into sight they began firing questions at us. Things like, how did you escape? What the heck happened? How did those cats get here? It wasn't in their thoughts that we might have been tired or hungry, apparently.
"Well I'm hungry. Can we get some food?" was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I mean hey, I want food. They just gave me this look. You know that look that says what the hell did you just say, I thought I asked you something? Yeah well that's the look I received. It was pretty funny.
The tall burly blonde one, also known as Sam, then asked, "How'd you get out of the cage? We'll get you food in a minute just answer our questions first."
I sighed. I just wanted some damned food. What? I get irritated when I'm tired and I haven't had food. I looked to Lex but she was hiding behind me. She really doesn't like people.
I looked up and said, "Well here's the deal. I'll answer your stupid questions while we walk to get food which you are paying for as we have no money. So shut up and walk."
They raised their eyebrows but turned around and started waking. I followed, still holding Lex's hand, which I wasn't planning on letting go of. I wasn't gonna lose my sister. We walked away from the remains of that place and as we walked out the questions started.
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Sorry for taking so long. School, being sick, parties, end of school year, electronics hating me, etc. I actually had HALF of it written a few weeks ago but hey My phone hates me and it deleted it. :/ let's say all inspiration to write was gone. Sorry but hopefully now that it's summer we might update more :)
Thanks for reading :) Comment/Subscribe THEY ARE LOVED!
-Amanda :)