Status: Finished!!

Danger Days

Vampire Money

They watched as the white figures pulled something over Mikey's head. It took Frank and Ray to keep the angry girl from running in there and getting herself killed. “Let me go” she hissed. They ignored her and kept a tight hold on her. It took them a moment to work out what had been put over his face and when they saw, it was a sight burned into their memories for the rest of their lives. Krista and Gerard had to surpress cries of pain and hurt. “Get the fuck off of me unless you wanna be next” she hissed, keeping her hand tight around the grey laser gun in her hand. They let go and she got up, running into the room and shooting all the Dracs except one. Gerard followed her, hot on her heels and she fell to her knees in front of him. “Mikey? Can you hear me?”
“Help... Me” was all she heard.
“Gee, help me get him out of here” she choked. They cut the ropes and pulled him to his feet, only to be stopped by a bald man.
“Where do you think your going with him? He's very important” he said. “Oh of course. You don't know me where are my manners. My name is Korse. Don't worry about introducing yourselves. I know who you are. Party Poison aka Gerard Arthur Way and Atomic Party aka Kristina Jessica Iero aka Krista. You can try and take him but I will only stop you” he said, with a twisted smile on his face.

Outside, the remaining Killjoys were fighting off Draculoids that had come at them from all directions. “What are they doing?”
“I don't know I'm busy at the moment trying to stay alive!”
“Someones in there with them” Ray said, continuing to shoot Dracs that were advancing toward him. “Gunner! DUCK!” He yelled at the girl, who ducked in time.
“Their everywhere. We need to hold out as long as we can with these guys to give them some more time to pull him out!” Frank said. They kept firing and damaging the perfect white suits and masks advancing towards them.

“Get out. Poison, go and help the others!”
“I'm not leaving you!”
“Tough shit. Go they need your help” she begged. He nodded and walked out, punching a Drac straigh in the face, sending him crashing down to the floor. He ran out and started shooting at the things attacking his friends.
“Nice to see you!”
“Trust me, I'm in a better shape than they are in there!” he yelled over all the firing. The Dracs started slowing down and their numbers were becoming few, making it easier on all of them. Just as they were able to catch their breath, another group of them came charging toward them. “This is taking the piss now” they groaned. Frank and Gerard were keeping an eye on the room that held Mikey and Krista. They dropped their guard slightly and Frank got shot, right in the shoulder.
“Fuck!” He screamed, shooting the one that shot in square between the eyes with his good arm.

“What have you done to him?”
“He willingly let us make him into one of us” Korse said. She growled and went to attack him, only to be held back by Dracs. “I see your not quite as willing. Well, we'll just have to change that now won't we?”
“Touch me and I swear it will be the last thing you ever see” she hissed at him. He advanced toward her, forgetting her feet werent tied and remembering as her thick black boot got planted straight in his face.
“You... Bitch!” He complained. “Right. Leave her here with him. He'll kill her without a second glance” he said, right into her face. The dracs threw her down on the floor and walked out the room, slamming it shut. She managed to pull herself up and looked at her masked love, who was now towering over her.
“Mikey... Please. Can't you hear me?” she pleaded. Nothing. She stood in front of him and went to pull the mask off his face. He grabbed her arm and twisted it until she screamed out in pain. She wasn't sure if it was the fact he was breaking her arm or the fact her heart had been shattered into a thousand tiny pieces. She mustered all her strength and punched him straight around the face and ran out the door, ray gun in hand.

“Just keep shooting” she sobbed, shooting at anything white that moved. She knew that he would be after her and she choked back the tears and kept firing at them. She felt one of the grab her throat and force a gun into her back . She froze up. He really was going to kill her. She took a deep breath and kicked him straight in the shins, making him let go and pinned him to the floor.
“What are you doing?! Kill it!”
“Because it's Mikey and I can't do it! I can't kill him” she cried, falling next to him, on her knees at the Drac's mercy. “Just do it already. Pull the fucking trigger. I've lost everything good in the world” she whispered to him. He aimed the gun at her head, ready to pull the trigger but flinched away when someone shot his arm. She lookedup to see her brother coming to her defence.
“I'm not letting you die. We're getting him back whether they like it or not” he said, shooting him in the leg to keep him down. Suddenly the Dracs made a path as Korse strode into the room and pinned Gerard to the wall, ready to pull the trigger on his gun and send a blinding light going through his skull. Already upset and raging, Krista walked up behind him, put her own gun to his head and whispered in his ear “this is for fucking my world up, prick” and shot him. His body fell to the ground with a sickening thud.
“Thank you” he said, catching his breath.
“It's fine. We're taking this place down. They've pushed it too far. They bring the world to a burning end, they destroy all things good and then they take the one person I love more than my brother. I'm not having this shit anymore” she growled. Gerard had never seen her so angry before and watched as she ran back through the building to find the heart of it. She was unaware that she was being followed by a Drac.

“Where is she going?”
“To tear this place down. She's really angry and upset and I've never seen her like it before. This is scaring me Ghoul what do we do?”
“Nothing. We need to keep Mikey safe and make sure that he doesn't try to kill her. They've brainwashed him to kill her and only her.”
“Not good!”
“Nope but I shot him in the-- Where did he go?!” he said, terror and surprise going over his face. The Dracs had finally stopped and they were all exhusted.
“Injury report people. Make it quick they could be sending more.”
“Yeah if Kris hasn't destroyed them all first.”
“I know. Come on people! Injury report!”
“I got hit in the shoulder” Frank replied, wincing as the adrenaline was starting to wear off.
“I've got minor burns and bruises” Dani called out.
“Shot in the leg but it's just a flesh wound” Victoria said, checking her leg. Ray and Kelly had fallen silent. They checked around and realised they were unconscious.
“Ray? Kelly? Guys talk to me!”

Krista kept running through the building and found the heart of Better Living. She was in a grey suit and looked either Chinese or Japanese. She seemed to be shocked that a single girl managed to plow down all the forces sent after her without realising there was still one limping behind her. “Who are you?”
“I am Madam Director. I'm in charge of this whole place. How did scum like you get in here?”
“I killed all the Draculoids, saved my friends and I'm very pissed. You have ruined everything good in the world and made my life hell. You took the one person I love and turned him into a mindless drone like you. Your so going to regret this!” she screamed at the woman. She threw her gun down, knowing it was useless as it had run out of power and ammo. Hand to hand combat was what it was going to take. The woman pulled out a sword that she had sheathed and advanced toward the angry girl. Adrenaline pumping and heart pounding in her ears, she attacked the woman. Throwing punches and kicks all over the place. She managed to get the blade out of her hands and across the other side of the room and knocked the woman over. She managed to throw Krista off of her and across the floor, throwing her into the wall. She winced in pain as she finally came to a halt. She coughed and tried to get herself up but failing miserably. Her ribs were on fire, she was aching and bruised all over but she needed to destroy the company at it's source.

The group of battered Killjoys headed to where Krista was. They followed the blood trail that had been left by someone wounded and bleeding and came to an immediate stop outside the room she was in. They could she she was down and desperatly trying to fight back as the nameless woman kept beating her. She pulled out a sword and aimed it at the defenceless girl. They looked on in horror as they noticed she wasn't even trying to fight anymore. They knew what Mikey had meant to her and now that she lost him, she didn't care. “Get up Krista, get up” Frank muttered under his breath. She forced herself off the floor and stumbled slightly.
“Just do it. Kill me already. I'm dead inside as it is!”
“Oh I'm going to kill you and I'm going to make you suffer” she said, a twisted smile on her face. Sword raised, she was about to strike it across her throat when a twisted scream came out of nowhere.
♠ ♠ ♠
:o what a shocking ending. I shocked myself writing this one i really did. longest chapter i didnt know i had it in me!

thank you to my two favourite girls who have been itching for me to post this chapter! xBL.Ind KilljoyX and daniirae :D you two have kept me entertained with the comments and kept me writing it!!

i cried writing the end of this as well! sorry if i made anyone else cry. i poured everything i had into this chapter and im so proud of it!

thanks for reading and keep an eye out for the sequel probably coming in the next day or so!