Status: beginning

boy loves boy


Maxi's p.o.v

I glared at him as he walked in front of me asking Alexandria blaring in my ear's i closed my eye's slightly
"Oh my God,
oh my God,
if only he knew,
if only he knew,
if only he knew about the world
without the bullshit and the lies." i sang

"We could've saved him,
they could've saved me.
But instead I'm here drowning
in my own fucking mind,
and I'll be damned if you're the death of me.

Blood and ink stain the walls,
silently with bloodied knuckles, carry on,
hoping it's not too wrong.
You said the nights were far too long.
Honey, it's just the start of it." i sang slowly

I ran in to him and all 90 pounds of me fell to the ground, 'damn it, fucking shortness, fuck...'
he turned around and started yelling at me of course i couldn't hear him, i pulled out my head phone "WHAT THE FUCK, FUCKIN FREAK!!" he yelled i cocked my eye brow and smirked sticking out my pierced tongue, he said he hated all my freaky facial piercings, but i knew that secretly he thought they were fucking sexy.

"sorry honey, this war is our's" Sean said helping me up "your so cliche'.." i said laughing and ignoring the jock, he seemed more irritated then before "FUCKIN IDIOT!" he yelled, to be honest he looked like the idiot.

So what if I'm blonde with bright pink and black streaks in my hair, and who cares if i have like a hundred piercings, and dress like a girl, i could get away with it so i did. "MAXI!!" i heard Jesse call from behind me then run up hugging me from behind "how many time's am i gonna have to tell you not to do that?" i say laughing as he huffed and bit my neck "till i get you on my bed and fuck you." he says to me.

"Shut up Jesse, Maxi's mine!!" Sean yelled pulling me into his arm's, i just sighed and put my ear bud back in as still fly by devil wears proda came on, they fought over me till we got to the school, i ended up hanging upside down backwards over Jesse's shoulder, by this time I'd started to laugh like a maniac.

My enemy glared at us which only made me laugh harder, i was final set down at my desk and kept listening to my music, the song was now death to your heart by blood on the dance floor, i screamed jayy's name, clutched my chest where my heart was and fell in to Shawn's lap playing death "nice eye shadow, when did you get the rainbow eye shadow skill's" he asks, i laugh "I've known how to do this forever now." i say back smiling

Perfect weapon by black veiled brides came on as He walked in to the room, some time's i really wish i knew his name, even though we 'hated' each other he was actually nice to me out side of school some time's, the way he looks at me drives me insane some time's
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