God Made Friends So Everyone Wouldn't Kill Themselves

Chapter 18

I walked through the door and faced my mom. She was sitting on the floor, picture frames sprawled out around her, with her face in her hands. I walked over to her and asked her what happened.

She looked at me. "Sam, go get the broom," she murmured. I went and got it for her and when the glass was sweeped up she sat down on the couch. She sighed.
"Honey, your father and I have been fighting for some time now. It started after Andy's pass." She started to tear. "I wanted to take down the photos of him that we had here in the living room. I couldn't keep looking at him, his smiling face and twinkling eyes. But your father didn't agree. He said, 'I want to keep Andy in our family! I will not pretend that he isn't anything anymore! I don't want to forget him.' So I had to deal with them. But today when I came home from work I just couldn't take it. It was too much. I decided I would put them away and explain it to dad later. But he came home from work early today, and he walked in right when I was taking them down. He freaked out, and, well, you witnessed the rest." She looked tired and far-away. I felt bad for her.

I pulled her into a small hug. Which was weird, because the last time I did that was my eighth-grade graduation. And that was almost 4 years ago.
"Um, mom, I don't mean to invade but do you think you and dad will get a divorce?" I didn't care if they did. I would stay with my mom, visit my dad every once and a while, all that shit. It wouldn't matter to me.

"Well, sweetie, I don't know. We have been going through problems lately, but I'm willing to try to work it out with him." I could see a small glimsp of hope in her eyes, but it soon vanished when she remembered something.
"Sam, who was that boy you were with? I heard you tell dad you wanted to introduced him to us." She looked suspicious.

"Oh. That was a friend from school, and I've been hanging out with him so I thought you guys should meet him." I stood up, wanted to head to my room and try to avoid the conversation.

"Oh! A friend?" She smiled and looked at me knowingly. "Well, then, he should defintely come over for dinner some time."

"Ugh! Mom, no! He would feel awkward. That's a horrible idea." I sighed. I knew now I couldn't avoid it.

"Nonsense! Honey, you just invite him over sometime this week, and I'll make my famous steak my blue-cheese dressing." Crap. I hated that meal. Plus I was going to be embarrassed infront of my boyfriend. Ugh. This sucks. But there was no use trying to stop my mother. Well, at least she wasn't crying about Andy's pictures anymore.

I went up to my room and turned on my stereo, put my ipod on shuffle and turned it up as loud as I could stand it. Even though I knew that the next minute my mom would be screaming at me to turn it WAY down.