God Made Friends So Everyone Wouldn't Kill Themselves

Chapter 1

"One night, and one more time. Thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great, he tastes like-"
I woke up to Thanks For The Memories, same as always. I slumped out of bed after hitting my alarm clock, and rubbed my eyes. I opened my dresser, pulled out a pair of black jeans, a red tank, and my favorite black hoodie with the skull on the sleeve. I grabbed my backpack, full of half-finished homework, and my ipod. I shoved the headphones in my ears and thought it was best to listen to music during breakfast instead of my mom nagging about my sense of style and the theme song to, "Spongebob Squarepants", the show my brother watched every morning before school. But as I walked down the stairs, I didn't hear the familiar, "Are You Ready Kids?" From the TV, I heard the News. My mom was watching something about how there was a man with an illeagal gun somewhere in our area.

As I walked into the room she said to me, "Samantha, you are NOT walking to school this week. I'm going to drive you untill the police catch this maniac."

I groaned, knowing I would have to endure 10 minutes of Andy talking about his stupid little life in the car. I grabbed a bowl and the milk and opened the cabinet. There were two cereals: Captain Crunch and Cinnamon Life.

As I reached for the Life my brother said, "Hey! Sam! Why is there a wierd skull on your sweatshirt? Mom, I don't think that's appropriate for a young lady." He amphesised the "young lady" part, and my mom heard him.

"You're right, Andy. Sam, go change out of that sweatshirt, it makes you look gothic." My mom replied.

"Maybe I am," I whispered.

"What did you say?" My mom turned to look at me. She had that look, so I said, "Oh, nothing. Just the words to the song I'm listening to."

After arguing with my mom for a couple minutes, I won the hoodie battle. She said I could wear it but I couldn't put the hood up because it makes me look, "Fishy,".

We got into the car and were on are way when Andy started to talk. "Here we go again," I thought to myself.