God Made Friends So Everyone Wouldn't Kill Themselves

Chapter 2

"Hey, Sam! Why don't you ever have anyone come over and do homework with you? Do you have any friends?" Andy said mockingly. He knew I kept to myself around other people.

My mom cut in, "Oh, Andy. Don't be mean! Your sister has many friends, right Sam?"

I opened my mouth to say someone's name, but nothing came out. I knew fully well I had no friends, but I just didn't want to admit it.

Andy laughed, "HAHA!! You have no friends! And you’re not talking because you’re EMBARRASSED!!”

MY blood started to boil. I have taken a lot of criticism, but I couldn’t take this.

I turned around to look at him in the back seat and yelled, “You know why I don’t have any friends? Do you want to know why? It’s Because of YOU!” I was practically screaming now. “You came into my life and you ruined it! I have no friends and I’m alone half the time. I have no one to talk to, and it’s all your FAULT!”

My mom pulled up in front of my school. “So guess what, Andy? FUCK YOU!" I got out of the car and slammed the door. I turned around and flipped off my brother and my mom. They just sat there staring at my, with their mouths wide open. I turned back around, and ran into the school.