God Made Friends So Everyone Wouldn't Kill Themselves

Chapter 7

I woke up wondering where I was. Then I remembered everything, and I stuffed my face in my pillow(or, at least, the pillow I was using to sleep with). I wanted to cry, but I just couldn't. I convinced myself that I cried them all out the night before.

I moped out of bed, and went to take a shower. When I looked at my arm, I didn't feel bad about it. But I realized that I would have to always wear long sleeves. And if I didn't get the scars to disappear, in the summer, too...

I got dressed, and went downstairs. My parents were sitting next to each other on the couch; my dad was holding my mom, who happened to be silently crying. I decided not to say anything. I walked into the kitchen and once again, poured a bowl of Life cereal for myself. After I ate it, I realized it was Saturday. So, in that case, I decided I should go for a walk. I quietly told my parents, but I don't think they were listening. But still, so they wouldn't worry, I took a piece of paper and wrote, "Mom and Dad, I just going for a walk, so don't worry about me. I'll be back in a couple hours." I know that seems long, but I always liked taking long walks, and trying to get myself lost. But secretly, I would always know the way back home.

I started down the street, on the sidewalk. It was surprisingly warm and sunny out, even though it was only late February. I was walking slow, taking in everything I saw. Everything I saw started bringing my thoughts to Andy, but I pushed them away. I had to get my mind off him. So, I started thinking about Trevor. You know, that guy that ran into me in school? Yeah, him. I wondered what had made him talk to me, and say, "See you around?" because normally people would just say sorry and walk away. I thought that maybe, if I even see him again, we could be friends.