God Made Friends So Everyone Wouldn't Kill Themselves

Chapter 8 (Trevor's P.O.V.)

"I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey, if you-" I slammed my fist on my alarm clock. I moaned, knowing it was Saturday. Why can't I just remember to turn off the alarm on Friday night? I really wanted to sleep in today...

Eventually, I got out of bed. But I stopped to look at the picture on my bedside table. It was of my dad and I, when we were fishing in Wisconsin. I was only 7 years old in that picture. My mind floated off to distant memories...

I remember when my mom and I got the news that my dad was hit by a drunk driver. I didn't know what that meant, but my mom told me that daddy wasn't going to be with us anymore.

I snapped back to reality when my mom yelled, "Trev, time for breakfast!!" I slumped out of bed, and realized how cold I was because I was only wearing boxers and no shirt. I threw some clothes on and went downstairs. My mom was sitting at our small table, eating a bowl of cereal. I grabbed a piece of toast and muttered, "I'm going for a walk." As I walked out the door I heard her yell, "Be back by lunchtime!" I went out and started down the sidewalk. I took a couple bites of the toast, and realized it was burnt. I threw it in the grass and thought to myself, "Great, now I'm going to be hungry." I always have eaten alot, but I never gain any weight.

The sun was bright so I took off the hood I had on. It was nice out. I walked for a long time, and I didn’t see anyone. But then I saw a girl walking on the same sidewalk as me. But she was looking at the ground and listening to her ipod. So I moved out of the way, but she still brushed against me. I think I startled her, because she tore her earphones out of her ears and said, “Oh, hey sorry!” Then I realized who it was, and I think she did too. It was that girl I ran into in the hallway at school!

“Hey! It’s Sam, right?” I asked.

“Yeah. And you’re Trevor, right?” She asked back.

“Yup.” I answered. We just stood there, looking at each other. It felt kind of awkward, so I asked,”Do you want to walk together?”

“Um, sure,” She answered. So we started walking down the sidewalk next to each other. At first we didn’t say anything. Then we came to a park.

“Hey, you want to go on the swings?” I asked.

“Yeah!” She noticed that there was a big field. “I’ll race you there!”

“Ha, bring it on!!!” I said. “On your mark, get set, GO!!”

We both ran like maniacs, almost right next to each other. But then Sam’s shoe fell off, and I got to the swings first.

“Ha! I win” I kidded.

“Hey, no fair! My shoe fell off.” She hopped on one leg across the woodchips, holding her shoe in her hand. After she put it on, she got on the swing next to me.

“I bet I can swing higher than you.” She wagered.

I laughed. “I bet you can’t!”

She said, “I bet I can! When I was in grade school, no one could get higher than me.” She boasted.

I smiled. “Ok, let’s go!” I started to swing, and so did she. In about a minute, we both were going high, but I have to admit, she was going higher.

“Ha, I’m winning!” She said. She looked pretty; her hair was blowing and she was laughing. For a second I stopped pumping my legs, to get a better look of her face. But she noticed me looking at her.

“What are you looking at?” She questioned. But she said it jokingly; she knew I was looking at her.

“Oh, nothing.” I started pumping my legs again. A couple minutes later, she jumped off. It was a good jump, because she landed right on her feet and didn’t stumble or anything.

“Hey, what time is it?” She asked when she saw I was wearing a watch.

“Um, 11:45,” I answered.

“Oh, I have to go, then,” She looked liked she didn’t want to leave.

“Okay. Well, can I walk you home?” I asked.

“Sure,” We walked back down the street, and soon she said, “This is my house,” We walked up to her door.

“I had fun,” She said.

“Yeah, so did I,” I replied.

“So, I’ll see you at school?” She asked.

“Yeah. And this time I won’t knock your books to the floor,” I joked, and she laughed.

“See ya,” She opened the door.

“Ya, later.” She went inside, and I walked home.