

The room held only one item, a delicate box with a glass encasement. Hidden inside it was the reason he had come. When the door shut behind him, his eyes fell on the box. The tightness in his throat threatened to undo him, but his stubbornness prevailed and he approached with measured stride.

A hiss echoed in the room and the glass lid swung open. As though drawn against his will, he quickened his step, pulse beating faster. His eyes swept over the face and body, unwilling to believe this vision before him.

No inch of skin had a blemish. Each lash swept over the smooth curve of cheek. Lips like rosebuds had parted during sleep. Strands of dark hair settled across the pillows. Arms rested beside the body on top of the covers.


With trembling hands, he reached out, smoothing the hair. A soft exhalation passed his lips when he felt the silken strands and he knew this was real. His heart ached when he realized what this meant. The temptation to reach out and snatch the still form grew stronger as he watched. Wetting his lips, he nodded, eyes never leaving the serene face.

“I’ll do it.”