I'm the Type of Person to Take Things Personal


She tried to look calm and collected as she shifted her weight against the wall she used as support, but the trembling hand that brought a cigarette to Clare's mouth gave her away.

She stared off into the parking lot filled with cars and teenagers, the show was almost over, the last band was setting up, but still people lingered outside. Bodies moved past, but only one person took notice of her.

"This is the last place on earth I pictured seeing you," a shocked voice spoke up from the dark.

Clare looked up at her old friend and forgot everything she had thought up to say. "Hi... Kyle," was all she could manage.

He wasted no time pulling her into his arms for a hug. Once he was satisfied Kyle pulled away from Clare, holding her at an arm's length he looked her over. Her hair was longer than he remember, but stilled colored the same dark brown when they first met. The purple v-neck shirt she wore framed the color inked on her chest perfectly.

Her beauty had always been overwhelming which is why his friend had fallen for her in the first place. The roar of the crowd for the main act brought Kyle back to reality as he looked back a Clare. He rubbed the back for his neck out of nervous habit, he knew where the conversation was going next, but he knew he wasn't right person to answer her questions.

Clare sighed in frustration as she dropped her cigarette and crushed it under the toe of her shoe. "You don't have to tell me where he is Kyle, I just- I just came to... to see the show. You guys were amazing, the show was great."

He smiled at her effort, a small laugh even escaped his lips. "Thanks Clare. Sorry for being... weir-" his sentence was cut short when he heard his name being called from the other side of the parking lot.

The man who was shouting his name drew closer, he was at Kyle's side in a matter for seconds. The man talked rapidly with Kyle until he realized the extra body standing next to them. His voice was harsh as he recognized Clare.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing here David," she answered in the same exasperated tone.

"God, I can't even believe you Clare, just leave me alone. Whatever you're selling I don't want."

Without waiting for a reply the man, David, turned around and walked away, Kyle following quickly behind trying to get him to return. Clare herself thought about just turning around and walking away, forgetting that she had come all this way for a boy, but she couldn't, not now. If she didn't get this off her chest now she would never get another chance. In that moment her voice rang out across the parking lot and collided with David.

"What if I'm selling my heart!! My soul, to you and only you??"
♠ ♠ ♠
One Shot!! I wrote the beginning of this story a long time ago, and the last night I had a rush of inspiration...so here it is!!!
Breathe Carolina is the shit, I've seen them live multiple times, they are just awesome.

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