Status: Journal 1 Finished! Check out Journal 2!

The Journal of a Normal Guy

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is just another day,
except chocolate and flowers cost about 30 dollars
instead of 15 dollars like it is everyday of the year.
Valentine's Day
is not for me.

My friends get bears, candy, and other things
where I get only two things,
a cupcake and a piece of paper
wishing me a happy Valentine's Day.
Don't get me wrong,
it is the thought that counts,
but I thought this was a day of love.
Valentine's Day
is not for me.

You see the couples around the school
holding hands almost everyday.
But this day,
you can see the same couple kiss
everytime you see them.
Valentine's Day
is not for me.

Valentine's Day
is totally blown out of proportion,
well sometimes,
but Valentine's Day
is just not for me.