Etudes & Arpegios: A Love Story

Chapter 1


I hate his guts, I mumbled under my breath, walking away from the stunned boy who was just standing in front of me.

He's no good and bossy, I don't need that, I told myself, trying to hold back the tears. I had just broke up with him and I felt like shit. The dark of the night sky was pulling me with it. Not even the bustle of the loud city could keep my attention at the moment. I mean it was L.A.

I walked into the street only to be pushed back by the sound of a loud horn, as a taxi whizzed by.

There you go stupid just what you need, to get hit by a car, I mumbled. I probably sounded like a mad woman, mumbling to myself. I passsed group of old guys with beer bellies on their bikes, staring me down like I was a piece of meat. They're lucky I was not in the mood to deal with that.

I looked like your average girly girl in the black loose fitting wrap dress, red lipstick and heels. I had a curvy body with hips and a bust close to popping out of my dress, but I didn't care. So I had some pudge too, deal with it. I was raised tough by my father and my mother's drug problems. I had to be the tough one, no one else would be.

I slid my bright red heels off and walked around in my fishnets. Tonight was not my night and I didn't care. I swung my shoes back and forth as I marched down the street, heading towards my favorite place in the world. The Beach. But first I had to go to the apartment to get my shit.
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