Etudes & Arpegios: A Love Story

Chapter 12


I slid out from under his arm and made my way to the bathroom. I turned the shower on super hot and climbed in. I couldn't believe I was with another guy already. I didn't even know him but for some reason my gut told me he was a good one.

I really had to think this one through.

I got out of the shower and snuck back in the room. The clock said 2:23. I really had my days and nights mixed up.

I got dressed, grabbed my shoes and bag and left a note for Jimmy. I needed a walk to clear my head.

This boulevard NEVER slept so I figured it was safe to venture out.

I mixed in easily with the throng of late night partiers and wandered around a bit.

Could I really start over? I wasn't paying attention and aimlessly wandered into a coffee shop. it smelled wonderful and i had a craving for a Frappuccino, especially in this stick summer night.

I ordered a caramel mocha one and headed back out into the crowd.

That's when i saw him. He was hussling some kids of course but looked up at me right as I stopped. His face instantly took on a look of fury as he started toward me.

I wanted to run but fear kept me glued to the spot I was at.

"What the hell were you thinking?" he asked angrily as he grabbed ahold of my arm, pulling me with him.

It finally clicked I didn't need him or this.

I yanked my arm form him and stopped walking.

"You're not going to boss me around anymore Tommy we're done!" I said and turned to walk away. He grabbed ahold of my hair in his disgusting fist and pulled me into a dark indent between two buildings.

I winced as his fist connected with my jaw, knocking me over.

I closed my eyes getting ready for what I knew was about to happen. And I was right.

I felt his feet connect wiht my said and I had trouble breathing through the pain. My head was lifted by a hand and slammed back down to the ground. I just wanted to die. Everything started going black....
♠ ♠ ♠'s sad!

But you know.

