Etudes & Arpegios: A Love Story

Chapter 5



I paid the taxi driver and walked out onto the sand. Tommy would never find me on this beach. I buried my feet under the sand as deep as I could and breathed in the salty air. This place was my heaven. The sound of the waves hitting the surf engulfed me as I sat down, my bag next to me. It was hot and I wanted to go swimming.

I stood slipping my fishets off and pulling my dress over my head. It felt good to stand almost naked in the dark of the beach. It was well after midnight so I figured no one would be coming. I walked forward, far enough to wear my toes just dipped in the water. It was only a little chilly, so i walked further in. Up to my waist. You had to be careful becasue the tide could pull you in. I dunked my head under, wetting my hair.

I stood, letting the waves rock me back and forth. I walked back over to the edge and stood looking out over the ocean. The moon glittered off the waves. It was beautiful here at night.

I turned my head at the slight sound of a mans voice. There was a figure walking towards me his pants rolled up and his shoes in his hand. It was too dark and he was too far for me to make out his face He was talking on his cell phone. he came closer looked up at me as he snapped his phone shut.

"Oh hello," he said shocked to see me standing there in my underwear. Thank God I wore the black lace set, but like it even mattered.

"Hi," I said. He stopped in front of me and I could see his face now. He was gorgeous. Tall and gorgeous. His messy dishevelled hair stuck up in odd angles. He wore a plain black shirt and jeans. His eyes were beautiful and he had a labret percing.

"I'm sorry I was just taking a walk on the beach. I didn't know anyone was out here."

"Oh dont worry about it, it's a public beach." I replied walking to my bag and pulling a baggy shirt over my head. "I'm sorry you had to see me almost naked, that must have been horrifying," I said turning back to him.

He cocked his head to the side and smirked at me "What are you talking about. You're beautiful," he said.

I was just a little shocked. "I'm sorry," he said ducking his head "that just slipped out."

"It's okay." I smiled at him. "I'm Violet." I said holding out my hand. "Jimmy." he said taking my hand.

"So do you live put here?" he asked looking at my stuff. "Since recently." I said slightly embarrassed. I sat down on my bag and he curled on his legs next to me.

"So how does one get stuck on the beach?" he asked as if he was interested.

"They dump their horrible constricting boyfriends and have no job or place to go. Beacuse their ex wouldn't let them get a job and took them away from their families so he could make a living selling drugs." I slewed out. I covered my mouth unable to believe I just said all that.

He looked a little stunned. "Shit I'm sorry. I don't mean to burden you with my problems. Its just been a bad night." I said, embarrassed.
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