Etudes & Arpegios: A Love Story

Chapter 6




I looked over at this girl so beautiful, with a story of misfortune. She just spilled her guts to me and for what reason, I don't know. But I got this vibe form her, a good one. One of those I just met you but I can tell we'll be friends for many many years to come. I've only had one of those vibes before, when I met Brian in like Middle School or even before. And we were friends to this day, bandmates.


"I've been in situations like this before," he began "but I've always had someone there to help me. That's why I want you to come stay with me." he said standing up, holding his hand out to me. I didn't quite understnad what he meant. "Huh?" I asked still a little confused.

"I want to help you and I'm going to start by making you move in with me."

"But you just met me. I could be a killer or a druggie or something" I began still trying to get him.

"Okay." he said slipping his hands into his pockets. "Have you ever killed anyone?"


"Good. And do you do drugs?"


Then it's settled, you're moving in with me now stand up or I will carry you." he stated matter of factly holding hishand back out to me.

I accepted it and stood rummaging around for a pair of jeans. He carried my bag as I slid my jeans on. We walked of the beach a million and one thoughts running through my head. Once we got to pavement I slid my bright red pumps back on, which matched my t-shirt and jeans quite well. I had forgotten to grab extra shoes from the apartment.

The funny thing was even in my heels, I just barely reached his chin and I was tall for a girl.

He hailed the cab and stood back to let me in first when it arrived. A gentleman.

As the cab drove off I laid my head on his shoulder. It was after 1 in the morning and I was tired.

I must have dozed off because i remeber awakening to find myself being carried through a front door and to an empty bedroom.

"Pay the cab for me, there's a 20 in my wallet." I heard him say. I didn't know to who nor did I care. I curled my head into his shoulder and dozed back off.