Etudes & Arpegios: A Love Story

Chapter 8



I opened the door to be greeted by a blast of sun and heat. It was a good idea to wear a tank top today. I walked in the direction of where I met Jim yesturday.


The street was bustling with tourists with their flasing cameras, teenagers on skateboards, and couples holdin hands enjoying the sun. It was my home in this place. I loved everything about it from the first step I took here 3 years ago.

I stopped, stepping under the comfort of the shade, right where Jim graced us with his Blues last night.


"Well Good Day Miss Violet." I heard a deep southern slur.

"Hello Jim" I said as he approached.

"Well who's this?" he asked a little sketchy.

"Oh no, this is Jimmy, I met him last night and he gave me a place to stay," I said saving him. Jim was a big, black guy. He may have been old but he was still scary.

"Well it's nice to meet a gentlemen" Jim said shaking Jimmy's hand. "Likewise" he replied. Thank God Jim liked him. For some reason I felt like Jim had to like Jimmy or else all wouldn't be right.

"Well if you'll follow me, I'll show you the plans I had for today. "

We walked on, following behind Jim neither of us knowing what to expect. He led us down a darker street, blocked by he into a damp place. I didn't know dampness exsisted in this city during the summer.

I was starting to get worried. Maybe my judgements were off. I looked at Jimmy and for some reason he didn't look the least bit worried. As if he was laways led own dark alleys to strange places.

Jim stopped in front of a metal door and tapped on it 3 times. A short, grey ahired man appeared. "Jim" he called out. "Lenny told us we'd be expecting you, and I'm assuming this is te guest of honor" he asked looking past Jim to me.

Now I was freaked out. Thid wasn't some freaky sex cult was it?!

But still I followed them in. He opened one last door that opened into this huge bright room. As soon as I saw what it was I couldn't believe what I saw. Saxophones, trumpets, trombones, drums, any Jazz instrument you could dream of line the walls and shelves. It was a music Instrument Warehouse.
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