Etudes & Arpegios: A Love Story

Chapter 9



"I don't understand.." I began trailing off.

"I'm part owner of this warehouse with Lenny (he pointed to the tall guy with the beard). This man next to me is Bob, and the others, they're not important. Just kidding that's Larry, Gilbert, and Stan, we have a swing band together" he said referring to the man he let us in. "Each night I go play and everynight people pass by me without a care in the world, but when you out that 20 in my case, looking as if you were jsut as "homeless" as I was, I knew there was an apprecitation for music in your heart. So i brought you here to jump start your music career. Any one of these beauties is yours, and as a trade you will work here in the warehouse to study and pay me back."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was stunned into silence.

"Come on baby girl pick one!" he said patting my shoulder. I don't know what happened but a flood of tears burst from me. I hugged Jim as close as I could to me, my tears soaking his shirt. "Thank you so much." I sobbed through my tears.

"Now there's no use crying pick one out and give her a go. May I suggest this beauty right here."

He led me to the far wall with every style of sax form Soprano to Bari. He pulled off one of the most beautiful altos I could ever imagine. It was the top model and I instantly fell in love.

"I want this one." I said hugging it close to my chest.

"It's yours then." Jim replied. "You'll work here to pay me back and to save up for college becasue I'm making you apply. You'll study with me alll year to get back in top notch. Welcome to paradise" he finished as I looked at him in awe.

I still didn't quite grasp what was happening.

"Step 2 of the process. What reed were you at the end of your senior year?" he asked

"Vandoren 3." I whispered.

"Okay so we'll have you play on a 2 and a half and work you up to a 3 and a half this summer. You'll need a case" he said handing me a case.

"...some reeds" he tossed those to me also. "...cork grease...ligature...swab...neck strap...and finally the top notch mouth pieces. Here's a plastic one for normal playing and your metal one for Jazz."

I couldn't believe he was giving me this stuff. The sax alone was about $4,000 and the mouthpieces $100 for the plastic one and at least $200 for the metal. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

"We have a show for you too now. Please follow me. I couldn't stand up. i sat surrounded my my new gifts. Jimmy took my hand pulling me to my feet. "I didn't know you were a sax playe.r" he whispered, wrapping his finger around mine. "Me neither." I whispered back.

It was a small studio. Jim picked up his sax (tenor), Lenny played the alto, Bob played trumpet, Stanley played trombone, Larry played the drum kit, and Gilbert played the bass. They played an entourage of songs for us and it was AMAZING.

"Go out and have fun you two, I have some work to do." Jim told us placing his sax on a cahir and going to a small office. "I'll see you monday morning at 9 AM to start your work"

"Thank you a million times." I told him hugging him again.

"Your Welcome now don't disappoint me."

"I won't I promise!" I said the metal door slamming behind me.

We walked out into the blasting sun. "I think we need to get to know each other miss amazing sax player" Jimmy said leading me to a small diner down the way. "You haven't even heard me play" I said.

"I already know you must be good."
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