Sequel: Eponey 1
Status: Comment Swap People: Please comment the newest chapter

Eponey - the Millenium Bug

"Maybe it's appropriate that I present myself. I'm Eponey, I live in 'Ki Kokoro'. I'm 7 years old and studying at the local school. Furthermore, I'm a Centaur, or Centauress. You'll learn the implications later. Since I was born in my human form, this is how I'm seen, ill I learn about who I am, and thus manage to change, between my human, and my true form!"
Since I was born on the millenium, I got caught up in the event, though I have no clue of it. Things changed, things, or the world at large, is changing and we're changing with it. It all started, when the gods made a mistake, or, as you'd say, 'Screwed up', and quite royally, to be true to the magnitude of it all.
I guess you're bound to meet my friends, some who are children of my age, and some who are older, wiser, I'll make certain to introduce you. Even to the once you are not recognising, and the unexpected once.
Sadly, all acquaintances are not nice people, you'll see them in time, too. Just be careful around them?

"Comment Swap People: Please comment the newest chapter"

Ps: If you prefer long chapters, longer chapters are coming, when I get to post them, which is after all previous chapters are red and commented upon. Sorry, but it's just not feeling right to continue with the story, if parts of it is ignored.
To the once who find the school boring, I have good news on that too, there are scenes of greater action and excitement coming, when I get that far into the story.
There are numerous chapters waiting for editing, reading, and commenting.

An additional Clarification, every chapter do explain a specific aspect of either a character, or something else, that's important in the story at large. Feel free to as, specifically, if there is something you don't understand, or if a detail is amiss?
  1. Prologue
    This is just a means to fast-forward into the world, in which Eponey live. Considering, just how different it is, in some aspects, despite how similar it is in others.
  2. Eponey 1
    Alpha and Omega, the begining and the end? Not by choice, but Eponey is more then meats the eye.
  3. Celeste 1
    A good friend, you need me.
  4. Eponey 2
    Action and fun.
  5. Xenia 1
    A new friend.
  6. Murphy 1
    Another friend, though he's obviously not a girl?
  7. The Librarian 1
    Am I too old to be a friend? You still need me. It's exactly like magic. Actually, I'm not just the librarian, but a very powerful Wizad. I'm held in the highest radard.
  8. Secretary for Office of Schedules
    Siglinde Schmidt, secretary of the office of schedules. Also a close friend of Eponey. She helps eponey with a few schulsastic aspects.
  9. Eponey 3
    A frendly come-togeteher, exploration, and an event to enjoy, once more.
  10. Daih'mon 1
    Center of your persona, the Souil, to be precice. Only it lives, not inside of you.
  11. John Doe 1
  12. Xenia 2
    the contest 'Mandarin of the Year', it's an event we are to enjoy.
  13. Necropolis 1