Sequel: Eponey 1
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Eponey - the Millenium Bug


This is supposed to be in a world, very much like the Earth in which we live.

With a few rather small differences. A few things changed, after the new millennia. The Gods made a mistake. And things started to change go wrong, if you will.

Actually, everything is turned on its head. Nothing is what it was before, the world as we know it, is going down.

You will not recall, because the past is changing with it, and what is most important here, and now, is the birth of a little girl, who would henceforth be known as Eponey.

What her Name and Future would have been, we can not know, it's of no consequence. The years pass, and now, she is about to turn 7.

"On a final note, Bring a gift with you, it's eponey's 7th birthday!" the Spirit stated, with emphasis.

There is a way, the gate to her world, it's not as hard to reach as you may think. In sleep, the border is thinner, this is where people of different worlds can meet, and to make friends, or enemies? That's if you're unlucky.

But furthermore. oh, that's up to you to find out?
♠ ♠ ♠
Any Similarity with Reality is unfortunate Coincidence

I do not want to recommend anything in this Story, this in not to be seen as an Utopia. This is my Story, I have made it up, there is nothing suggesting, that anything would actually work, in real life. I can not take any responsibility or be held responsible, for anything that would happen, because someone would or would not try anything, that would even remotely look like what's mentioned in this text.

On the other hand, if this text, in any part would be used without my expressed. approval, I'd be forced to take actions against it, and anyone who's part thereof.

Ok, did I forget to mention? Oh, I guess I did.

Yes, actually, this story achieved Sentience. It has a life, all of its own, and the question is, what does it really want? My guess would be, first to entertain you, but furthermore, it also wants to make you think .