Sequel: Eponey 1
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Eponey - the Millenium Bug

Daih'mon 1

A Daih'mon starts it's existence; life as a bracelet, most times. Then, it slowly gain consciousness, grows. Intelligence gathers it's strength and then it find it's co-part.

It's strength starts growing, while the presence, consciousness and bond keep on going. The growth into consciousness is initiated by the first time it's on the neck of it's intended host, as it's to be. But, it's not as a regular host relation and, it's most certainly not ever anything like a parasitic one.

No, the Daih'mon is rather turning into something much greater. The best reference would be the Egyptian second soul, Ka. But it's so much more. It's self-sufficient all of it's own, from the start, in an infant way, maturing.

This is a new phenomenon, so, noone knows what, exactly, happens, if you die. But, after a certain amount of time, it's no-longer a mere bracelet. Rather a separate living creature, if you will, though it's also a part of the individual.

Research suggests, it's pure artistic perfection, coupled with the highest of love; creating a form of revolutionary evolution. One becomes something new, something more, greater, then one was born. How that is possible, is not yet discerned.

Though it's suggested, the greatest of artists can make them, only when the right individual receives it, this process of wander can actually occur?
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I finally got to place the expression for your divine part here, for everyone to read.

Sorry if it isn't a long chapter, but it's as much details as I had to give,at this point.