Status: One shot.

The Sweetest Valentine.


Glancing to my left I took in the mess of hair lying on my shoulder before staring back at the freezing cold jail cell wall opposite.

Zack and I were the only ones in here on this beautiful February night.

I had to admit it was one hell of way to end our first official Valentine’s day together.

Grunting as I fell off my bed and hit the floor, I lifted my upper body up slowly before peeking over the edge of the bed.

Alone; empty and alone.

Snorting, I wanted to glare at myself. Why did I think it would be any different then every other damn year; I did purposely make sure I spent it alone hoping that he would too and I could make him mine.

Some days I actually found myself wondering the hallways of my house wondering why I had to have it. It was a three bedroom, two baths. The kitchen was massive and rarely used and even though the house was gorgeous, the view fantastic; I lived in it alone.

Showering quickly, I threw on some random clothes and grabbed my car keys and wallet before slamming my front door on my way out.

I figured what the hell I could drive around aimlessly, maybe go to the beach and sit there pick up a couple forties and just spend this day alone like always.

I didn’t realize what I was doing, where I was going till I had stopped in front of his house.

Starring up at the beautiful white two story home, I felt jealous that he had had someone to share this house with and hadn’t had to feel the empty space like I had.

Jumping when there was a knock on the window, I blinked at Zack a big smile plastered on his face and suddenly his smell was in the car as he climbed in shutting the door behind him.

“Why so sullen Brian?” smiling softly, I took in his plump lips his snakebites catching the sunshine spilling in from the un-tinted window.

Shrugging, I pulled away from his home; at least I wasn’t going to be alone.

“Ah come on Bro, what’s up?”

“What do you want to do today Baker?” ignoring his question all together, I drove around a few blocks waiting for some sort of direction.

“Don’t care anywhere but home,”

So that’s what we did we drove around occasionally talking, but really just enjoying not being alone.

“Shouldn’t you be spending today with Gena?” I didn’t want to bring it up, knowing things had been rocky between the two for a while now but some part of me was just to curious to let it go.

“Why we aren’t together anymore,” and there was the kicker. Something flickered in his gaze as he turned to stare out the window.

What did I say to someone I had wanted for years, someone I had watched date a lot of girls and finally settle down in a sense with Gena; someone who had been my best friend for as long as I could remember someone who was a band member and would have been classified as my brother if it weren’t for my attraction to him.

Nothing; there was nothing I could say.

“What do you say we go get drunk maybe find us a couple hook ups and just party,” why not we were rock stars; legends in our home town.

Taking his silence as agreement I sped off to the nearest bar; time to forget everything.


Slamming back another shot I turned my attention to my very drunk companion.

“I love you,” slurring my words I giggled. Yes, sadly I actually giggled.

“Awe I love you,” dropping his head on my shoulder Zack started humming a off tune version of what I think was Bad Romance; his hand resting lightly on my thigh.

“No I really love you; it’s really strong love man. Not that sissy weak love, I mean I fucking love you. I want to love you forever and ever and hold you every night because you’d be my man,” hiccoughing I straightened up placing my hand under Zack’s chin so I could turn his face to look at me. “I want you,” brushing back his hair I pressed my lips against his, enjoying the feel of his rings against my lips.

The kiss was like fire, Zack didn’t pause, didn’t think just kissed me back before pulling away and pulling my up from my seat and out of the crowded bar.

This is where a lot of people would be confused if Zack or I were telling them this story.
They would probably ask (Matt especially) how we had ended up in a holding cell for the night?

Some like Val, would ask how we had ended up a couple?

Well we would have to tell them that we ended up in the holding cell because we had been drinking enough to cloud my judgment and I had confessed everything to Zack; which had led to a startling confession of his own and an inappropriate encounter in the front seat of my truck.

Which of course led to the holding cell; but I wasn’t complaining all that much.

I had my man in my arms, some liquor in my system and had finally experienced one of the best Valentines of my life. What more could I ask for? Not a whole lot.

Pressing my lips to his head, I snuggled him in closer as leaned back trying to get as comfortable as I could against the concrete wall behind me. When I was as comfortable as I could get I shut my eyes and prayed that none of this was a dream and that when I woke up it would be the day after the fourteenth and Zack would really be my boyfriend.

I wouldn’t change anything about today, unless of course I could take back ending up in the holding cell due to the encounter in the truck which would have been far more appropriate and intense had we taken it back home.