Status: Indefinite Hiatus

Try Being In My Shoes


My name's Frank. I'm 18 and I'm studying art at my local college. I have a whore of a brother but suprisingly he's managed to keep his latest girlfriend for more than 2 weeks. I suppose the difference this time is she's cheating on him. Infact, she's the whole reason we're having this fucking arguement.

"Shut the fuck up Frank! Tessa's different!" He replied trying hard not to smirk.

"Oh yeah so what happened with Lilly? And Grace? I thought they were different too," I replied sarcastically, waiting for an explanation.

"When I said they were different I meant that I'd never had a girlfriend with brown hair before, or one with green eyes! " He defended himself growing ever cockier.

"Oh sure, face it Gerard! You whore them. They're not your girlfriends they're your bitches. You fuck them a few times then at the next sight at a hot peice of ass you jump right on them using as many one-liners as you can before leading them to your room and dumping the old one!" I screamed.

"Me? Screw a girl? I would never do such a thing!" He lied.

"Oh come on Gee, I can hear everything, you fuck them whenever you can, you take advantage because Mom's never here. You're 20 for god's sake, you're not a pimp!"

Gerard's smirk gradually dropped.

"Yeah well.. You're just jealous, at least I can get girls, you're too busy with your fucking drawings to pay attention to the real world. You're supposed to be out there, finding a girl to get with but you're more bothered about slaving away with your notebook to care! You're a fucking waster and you know it!" He yelled.

"Why the fuck would I be jealous of a scum bag like you" I spat.

"Because, I know some things about you," he began.

"Like what?" I asked spitefully.

"Beth," That was all he needed to say and I felt myself going red.

"Oh yeah I know all about your feelings for her. But why would she go for someone like you? I mean, come on, there's you, and then there's me. Your older, more experienced brother. I know exactly how to handle girls like her, I could pretend to be some soft pussy like you, she'd fall for me right away.. She's hot isn't she? The way she wears those tight jeans, those shirts that show off every curve? I could be her perfect guy and have that all to myself. You're too shy for her, too soft. She wants a man in control. You're nothing but a timid, little, virgin-"

"Get Out!" I screamed picking up the nearest thing I could find and launching it across the room at him. The smirk replaced itself right across his face and he left the room slowly.

I thought about what he said and broke down into tears. I kicked the sofa and fell to my knees crying. I knew he was right, I was too shy to let her know about my feelings, but that wasn't what got to me. It was the thought of seeing Gerard whore the girl I loved. I wouldn't be able to take that.
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Carry on?