Status: Indefinite Hiatus

Try Being In My Shoes


I sighed, frustration filling my tone as I tugged repeatedly at the tube beside my bed. Further down the line it was shoved into my veins and feeding me crappy minerals and things I needed. Like I cared about all that stuff. I felt shit. Utterly shit. The pain in both my sides had now turned into an irritating poking feeling that I couldn't get rid of.

"Frank. Stop it," Gerard reiterated.

"Fuck off," I answered blankly, fixating my gaze on this annoying tube. It was then that Gerard shifted in the seat to face me from his former slouched position and pointed a finger towards me. Ooh, I'm so scared.

"Frank stop with the fucking pulling or I'll pull your neck right across this roo-"

"Would you like to watch your language Mr Way?" I turned my head towards the door to see mom for the first time in weeks.

"Mom, what're you doing here?" I asked with a smile spread across my face as I sat up on my forearms.

"Oh, Baby. You didn't actually think I'd stay on that stupid business trip while you're in here did you?" She asked as she made her way over, past Gerard and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"What happened?" She asked me as she crouched down. She didn't have to crouch far though, I may of been small but she was tiny. Well, what do I say to that? Do I tell her the truth and have her scold me. Or would she freak at Gee? He did leave me in the rain after all. I'll just lie, for both our sakes, lie through my teeth.

"I jumped from my window and got knocked out, so I slept in the rain,"

But then again I was a terrible liar..

I earned a shaking of the head from Gerard before he sunk down in his chair and held his face in his hands as my mom just grew a deep crimson. I felt myself feel very awkward as her stone expression burnt holes deep into my skull.

"You.. did.. what?" She exclaimed causing all the nurses and doctors walking the hallways to turn their heads into our small room, only to see my mother stood like a living gargoyle, Gerard miming apologies and me. The idiotic, love-sick, young adult.

A normal Jersey family.. right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler :)


Oh and BTW, this Chapter's for TheEnfoldingDarness and Rani Cullen - Pansy for making me laugh, I love all ym readers though ^_^