Status: Indefinite Hiatus

Try Being In My Shoes


"Shit," the doorbell rang and I crammed the popcorn into the bowl. I left the bowl on the side but rushed to the door. I gave myself one final check over in the mirror and opened the door. There she stood. Her blond hair lay over her shoulders as she stood wearing a black hoodie, with some red skinnies and a pair of vans.

"Hey, wow, you're uh, all dressed up," she let out a small friendly giggle.

"Yeah, come in!" I smiled. She smiled back and stepped inside strolling into the living area.

"Wow, when you said your Mom decorated I didn't know you meant like this," She began.

"Yeah, well, the beer stain on the carpet isn't exactly a turn on to her boyfriends," I giggled.

"So what we watching?" She smiled slumping down and sitting on the edge of the black, leather sofa.

"Nightmare on Elm Street?" I asked holding up a DVD case.

"Hell yes, the only one I haven't watched!" She cried excitedly taking her hoodie off. I giggled and laid the CD onto the rack. I went and sat back next to her, leaning between the arm and the back, draping my arm across the back of the sofa. Out of no where she laid her head on my shoulder and curled up next to me. She let out a small yelp as Freddie Krueger instantly took to the screen causing me to giggle.

"It's not funny" she pouted.

"Bethy it's only the menu!"


By the end of the film I was lay down with my back still propped up against the arm. Both her legs were tied round one of mine, her arms were wrapped around my waist and her head lay on my chest. I reached out for the remote and turned the TV off. It was really hard seeing as I was practically pinned to the sofa and she wasn't willing to make it any easier for me.

"So.." She began.

"Well, watcha wanna do now?" I asked. She gave a small shrug and looked up at me.

"Talk?" She requested.

"Well, Okay, how's life?" I asked causing her to laugh.

"It's fine, got a B+ on that last art project" she smiled. I tutted slightly and rolled my eyes.

"Failure, where are the A's?" I asked. She giggled and smiled.

"So what did you get?" She asked.

"I got the same, oh my god she was so harsh on the marking.. but I could've done better I suppose.. Sorry, I'm babbling" I shook my head.

"No, I like just talking with you," She mumbled. I smiled a little knowing that she didn't care.

"Same," I whispered in reply.

"I like being alone with you in general," she whispered looking down and turning slightly pink.

"Yeah.. same," She looked up at me and saw the look in her bright green eyes. She looked shy, almost scared. I took my chance and leaned in slightly and I couldn't help but think she was leaning in too, when the catch on the door went down.

We both scrambled off each other and sat on either side of the couch avoiding eye contact. Gerard walked in and stood still at the bottom of the stairs.

"Sorry I'm not interrupting anything am I?" He asked apologetically.

"No, no, the film just ended," Beth piped up.

"Oh, okay ignore me I'm just going to my room," he smiled and disappeared up the wooden staircase.

"I suppose I better go then.." Beth mumbled after Gerard was out of ear range.

"I could walk you home?" I offered. She sat with her mouth slightly open and suddenly I felt stupid.

"Um, are you sure? I mean I don't want to trouble you," she pleaded.

"No It's fine, It's dark out so anyone could be there and well, I'd be worried if any thing were to happen to you," I rambled on.

"You would?" She asked with a hopeful smile coming to her face.

"Well, yeah, I mean if something did happen to you I wouldn't know and I'd just blame myself," I continued going red.

"Okay, well best get going," she suggested.

"Yeah, hang on a sec," I took to my feet and went upstairs to find a hoodie. There was one on the railing so I swiped it off and made my way back down the stairs feeling my heart race at the thought of almost kissing her.

"Ready?" She asked tying her Ramones hoodie round her waist.

"Yeah sure," I smiled opening the door and holding it open for her. She walked out and we both set off to her house.

She was fiddling with her shirt all the way back as it kept riding up slightly. I smiled at her frustration when it wouldn't stay where she wanted it to until eventually we neared her house. The stars were all out and as bright as they'd ever been. A single street lamp lit up her doorstep and flowers lined the windows. It was like something out of a fairy tale. She jumped up onto her front step causing the light to bring out the sparkle in her eyes and the perfection of her skin.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then," I began.

"Yeah," she smiled finishing me off.

"Night," I returned the smile and walked down the small steps.

"Oh, Frank, one thing," she halted me.

"Yeah?" I asked turning back before I felt her soft lips against mine. I was slightly shocked but didn't dare push her away. She pulled back and stood at the top of the step.

"Goodnight, Frank," she smiled before opening her front door and giving me a small wave. I gave her a small yet confused smile as she went inside and I was left alone on the street.. Who cared though? I turned back round and steadily made my way home.

She likes me?.. She really likes me.. I thought to myself over and over.

I bit my lip so I didn't smile too much and inserted my key into the lock of my front door. I opened the door before stepping inside and leaning against it. Swooning as I was, I let out a small sigh and slid down the door smiling.

♠ ♠ ♠
I hate GCSE's ='[ -cries in corner-

Will update if you guys comment! (Y)