Status: Indefinite Hiatus

Try Being In My Shoes


I'd been sat in an alley way for hours until it went dark before coming back. Not doing anything illegal or shit like that, just thinking. Me and Ruby had become amazingly close friends in the space of an hour and it was amazing. I already knew her like the back of my hand and to be quite honest she was incredible..

I sat on the edge of the bed holding the small envelope in my hands. The neat handwriting on the outside had made my stomach fill with tiny fluttering butterflies. I recognized it straight away. Beth's handwriting. I rushed myself to get the paper open but tried my hardest not to damage any of it.


That's how it started. And suddenly the butterflies were eaten by an acidic fearful feeling. She never called me by m real name, always pet names, and no matter how stupid they were I always loved them. Always.

I hope Gee's given you this like I asked him to. Well, of course he has, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this now. unless it's Gee reading this, in which case he should get off it and just give the damn letter to Frank, Okay?

I s'pose I should just get to the point. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause all the crap I have between you and your girlfriend.


Listen I'm not a stalker or anything, my brother, Bob told me about her after he saw us on the porch the other night. I'm sorry I've come between you two anyway.

Don't worry, you're not gonna have to worry about it. My family's moving to New York tomorrow morning. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was scared you'd be mad at me. You probably are but don't worry. As far as I'm concerned you don't have to see me again.

I hope you have a perfect life Frank. I've always wanted you to go far.I lo


I swear my heart dropped to my shoes at that point. Bob? There was a Bob? Bob Bryar. My new worst enemy. Why had he told her that? I didn't even know who the guy was and already I hated him. How dare he tell Beth to keep away from me.

I let the letter drop to the foot of my bed before scrambling to my feet and picking up the phone at the end of my room. I frantically dialed numbers and placed the headset to my ear. Biting my lip as I waited impatiently for the ringing to stop. Eventually it did and I opened my mouth to speak as I heard a voice at the other end. It was Beth's voice, but unfortunately, it wasn't the voice I wanted to hear..

"Hey! You've reached us Bryars, we're kinda not here right now so ring us when we're back, oh! Or better idea! Leave a message! Then we'll ring you back. How clever's that? Well, we'll see you around, love you all..
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was WAY better before mibba SIGNED ME OUT ¬¬
It was so long and I actually liked it ='[
Oh well,
This will have to do for now peoples
3 Comments rule still applies..