Status: Indefinite Hiatus

Try Being In My Shoes


I watched the car speed away from me. I watched as slowly but surely, Beth drove out of my life. But I'd never forget her, ever. I remember running down her winding road, jumping or stumbling over anything that came in my way. I ran straight into a few people and the burning in my lungs was unbearable but I didn't stop. I carried on running, running until I couldn't breathe, but I didn't need air right now. I needed Beth.

I remember the sinking feeling and my feet stop running so fast as her house came into view. Empty. And the car wasn't on the front, I searched round frantically, it became harder to breathe and at this point, I'd stopped running. I darted my head in several different durections and then thought about where I was. I forced my legs to speed up once more and darted down a road.

That was when I saw it. Beth's family car, driving away behind a truck. A removal truck. I dropped down to my knees but kept my eyes on the car as it drew further into the distance. I'd lost her, my Beth. I've lost her.

For the best part of a year I cried to Ruby. I'd never really been one for crying, it was... embarassing. Y'know?

But now, I'm over it. I still thought about her, what could have been, but it's been three years. I'm over her. Atleast, I think so. I hope so.I wish.

But still after all these years, I'd never spoken to anything about what happened that night in my room. And I'm never going to. Ever.Least.. I think not.

I hadn't been able to contact Beth in anyway since she ran out of my house. And though I still thought about her and what could of been, I tried to preoccupy my mind. Tried to get on with my life.

I stood to the end of the store, flicking through the pages of the magazine that lay neatly in my hands. I left out a small sigh of frustration as I saw nothing to my interest before replacing the thin sheets to the shelf. Suddenly I felt a hand grab my own. With a small groan I turned around to see my girlfriend Ruby.

"Frankie! I promised my mom I'd be back by three, if we set back now we should be back in time," she rushed before giving me puppy eyes. Why did girls always talk so fast? I grunted in approval before she squealed and lightly planted her lips on my cheek. I rolled my eyes and moved on, just like any other day.

I reached into the deep pocket of my jeans trying to find the one thing that saved me from boredom. Thank god whoever invented the cell phone. I tugged it out just in time to crash into a small figure.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Frank?" I cast my eyes upwards to the familiar female voice.

"B-Beth?" I scrambled to my feet as she flushed of all color. She turned to get away but I stopped her, pulling her round by her forearm to face me. Her once pale, almost ghostly looking skin had been covered up by a light tan, her once silky blond hair was now dyed a deep chestnut color. Her once small, covered up body now had high-heels to boost her height, and a small dress lightly draped over her shoulders. And not least her deep green eyes that once sparkled with life, now sparkled with tears.

"Beth, it's been so long,"

"No, Frankie it's been too long," she whispered, shaking lightly out of what seemed like fear. I forgot the world around me and brought her close, enveloping her in a hug like we always used to. But instead of her hugging me back she tensed up and brought nothing with her but an awkward atmosphere. I too suddenly felt awkward and out of order, letting her lose and pulled away from her but keeping a firm grasp around her tiny wrists.

"Beth, there was no one else, only you, there's only ever been you-"

"Frankie?" I spun round. That's when I remembered. My eyes grew wide as I remember Ruby. Shit. I turned back round as I felt Beth wriggling in my grasp. I gazed at her with sympathetic eyes. Even though I didn't even know what I was sympathetic for. Even though Beth had gone through a drastic change since I last saw her she was still beautiful. Still Beth. Still my Beth.

"Um, d-do you know her?" I heard Ruby whisper into my ear as she sounded rather embarassed at her boyfriend who had bumped into a total stranger in the middle of a supermarket. And so him being such a genius, decided it would be a great idea to creap her out by hugging her and grabbing her wrists. It was only then that I realised another silence had surrounded us as we got funny stares from passers by.

"Y-Yeah, I-this, we, um," I saw Ruby look at me with a raised eyebrow as I stumbled over my words. But rather than yelling at me to shut up she simply placed a smooth palm on my shoulder. Politely telling me to shut my mouth. At that I let me arms go slightly limp before Beth took her chance at pulling her arms away.

"Hi, I'm Ruby, Frank's girlfriend" Ruby cluelessly began, extending an arm and smiling warmly at the 'brunette' infront of her. At this I saw Beth's eyes drop to the hand that lay before her. Her eyes turned slightly glossy at the sight and she shook her head lightly before looking back up at Ruby. What looked like a forced smile worked its way over her face and their hands met.

"Beth" she replied. I suddenly felt a negative vibe coming from Ruby. Their hands didn't she, merely touched as Ruby glared at Beth. Realising she was staring she quickly pulled her hand back and placed both arms round her back.

"Well, nice meeting you Beth. Frankie, we should go," she replied less cheerful than she was a minute ago.

"But Rubes, we've got another few hours left before-"

"Frank. We're going," she snapped before turning on her heel and walked towards the direction fo the door.

"It was nice seeing you again Frank," I heard Beth mumble from my side. I turned round but it was too late. Beth had her head down and was walking away from me. Again.

And that's when everything came rushing back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's kinda late.
Oh well, more for you to read :)
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