Oceans Between Us


"Mom! Dad! Guess what!" Vic screamed, bursting through the front door.
"What's going on, dear?" His mom asked, calmly.
"We're going to Denver for volleyball!"
"That's great, son," his dad simply replied, "when?"
"Next week, the 14th," Vic said, matter-of-factly.

(flashback starts now)
Zach was at his house clearly wasted, and he was making out with some random girl when he heard the door slam and his parents yelling. He realizes what has happened, and he soon realizes his drink was spiked, and he is kissing his ex who cheated on him. (flashback ends)
"Ugh!" Zach shouts and storms into his bedroom.
Vic's dad tiredly says, "He made a mistake and he must live with the consequences of that mistake." The room fills with awkward silence.
Mrs. Porter breaks the silence, "Well we better go buy the plane tickets and find a hotel room. We are very proud of you Victor."
She gives him a hug and takes the paper off the counter, heading towards the phone. Mr. Porter seeing that there is nothing left to be said follows after his wife.
Vic runs up towards his room and, noticing Zach's door is hanging open, walks into Zach's room instead. Zach is on the phone talking to someone who Vic assumes in Nathan, the guitarist in Zach's band.
"Hey Zach," he laughs, "start packing."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm actually trying to situate things. This is a collab. I have no clue when the other author is posting the first chapter... just know, she wrote it. I write the even numbers :)