Oceans Between Us

The Perfect Gift

Ch 11

Zach’s P.O.V

I led her into my room, gestured for here to sit on my temporary bed while I grabbed a box from the corner of my current room. I felt odd giving her this knowing that after I left she would no longer be mine. I feel sick every time I think about that, and even worse when I think that she may be someone else’s. Knowing she could be someone else’s kills me inside… I just have to ignore it. I go and hand it to her, gesturing her to open it. She does, and her face lights up. There are three things in the box: Interventions & Lullabies, which is a CD by my favorite band The Format, she listened to a couple songs, and I know she likes them, one of my bracelets that says Zachary on it, and then the lyrics to the song I started writing in the skating rink the other day. I had made a copy for myself. I felt it was only right she got the original because it is about her. First thing she does is put on the bracelet, then she reads the lyrics. I know that she is taking everything in, and collecting her thoughts.

Jaz- Zach, this is the nicest, most thoughtful gift anyone has ever gotten me. THANK YOU!!!

Then she jumps up and gives me a hug. Then her lips find mine. I don’t know how long I can live without the feeling of her lips against mine. I lo… love this girl, and she won’t be mine for much longer… the thought of that kills me inside, more than you understand. I soon deepen the kiss in part because my thoughts scare the shit out of me. (sorry for the language couldn’t think of a better way to put it).

Jaz’s P.O.V

So Zach gave me something that was totally him, and was super thought out, and to me it meant a lot. Did it cost much? NO! but that is the point. He didn’t have to get me something expensive to show me that he cares about me. I mean I hate it when people do that. They think that for someone to show their love for them that they need to get something expensive for them. The thing is not the price, the price is meaningless. What matters is the thought, the heart, and effort put into the gift. I know Zach put a lot of time and effort into this, and it means A LOT to me. This bracelet is never coming off, that’s for sure. I couldn’t help it, I kissed him, and when I felt his tongue touch my lips I let him deepen the kiss. As long as he didn’t push me too far I wanted this just as much as he did.